林靜萍Lin Ching Ping鄭維宜Wei, I Cheng2019-09-052009-7-302019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300542%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105711本研究旨在以質性方式藉由訪談、文件分析等質性方法探討臺北市某高中體育班不同專長項目學生在面臨「運動員」與「學生」雙重角色壓力下,對其在學期間的學業、訓練以及生涯發展規劃之學習經驗。結果發現:一、在學業學習經驗的部份:學生對於學科教師評價頗高,給予適當的學科學習內容,並以鼓勵、支持的態度教學,並形塑出了正面積極的學習態度。在課程規畫方面,希望在主科(國文、英文、數學)方面能再增加時數;在寒、暑期課後輔導的部分,則希望課程可配合學校各校隊之訓練時間,建立相關辦法與制度;二、在專項訓練經驗方面:學生多數認同其教練之專業性,且認為教練對訓練成果、學業及生活教育皆有要求。在嚴苛的訓練的經驗中,隊友彼此鼓勵為堅持下去的力量,這些痛苦的經歷卻是最甜美且驕傲的回憶,且認為超出能力負荷的訓練是激發潛能的關鍵。當面臨學業與訓練必須取其重的情況之下,多以專項訓練為重心。三、在生涯發展與規劃方面:多數學生表示就讀體育班期間並未接收到關於升學的完整訊息,且師生皆認為高三開設體育班專門生涯輔導課有其必要性;並表示教練為影響體育班學生高中生活最深遠的重要他人,應加入輔導團隊當中協助學生。四、在生活歷程與感受的部份,研究參與者肯定住宿生活訓練獨立個性、加深團隊的情感以及人際間溝通的能力,這些經驗對於學生而言影響深遠。五、學生省思高中體育班學習經驗所帶來之影響,多數表示不論是否在高中三年達到了當初預期的目標,都得到了他處所不可尋的寶貴經驗,同時更瞭解了自己的能力與限制,以及從事運動這條路的多元性。The purpose of this research mainly focuses on the studying of the athletic class students’ schoolwork, training and career development experience under the pressure of being both “athlete” and “student” throughout their studies by process approach to understand their meanings and values of the scenarios. The aim of this study is to discuss the learning experience of the students with different expertise in sports of the athletic class of a senior high school in Taipei through qualitative interview and data analysis. The finding shows that: 1. With regard to the learning experience: students highly appreciate the academic teachers for providing appropriate leaning contents and their encouraging and supportive teaching attitude. In terms of course planning, it is hoped that the class hour of the main subjects (Chinese, English, Math) can be increased; for the after school program, it is hoped that the number of summer after school program can be increased. Indeed, they hope the school can set up rules to allow the after school program fitting the training schedule of each sport team. 2. In terms of expertise training experience: most students believe in the coach’s expertise and think the coach making requirement on their learning effect, schoolwork and life education. These painful experiences turn out to be the most beautiful memory. It is believed that the overloaded training is the key to discover potential. When facing the selection between training and schoolwork, students usually focus on the expertise training. 3. With regard to the career development and planning: most students indicate that they did not receive full information regarding to the entrance of higher education during their studies in athletic class. Further, the teachers and students all believe that it is necessary to open the after school program for grade 12 physical education class students. They also indicate that the coach is the person who has the most significant influence on the students. 4. In terms of life experience and feeling, the research participants agree with the campus lodging assisting them in developing independent characters and improving the team spiritual and communication ability. At the end, the coach and team members all become family. 5. While the students thinking about the impact of the physical education class experience on them, most of the students indicate that they all obtain valuable experience which can’t be received elsewhere regardless whether they have achieved the initial goal during their senior high school years. On top of that, they understand better about their capability and constraint and know the variety of sport opportunities.高中體育班學習經驗生涯發展the athletic classes of senior high schoollearning experiencecareer development高中體育班學生學習經驗之質性研究Research on Students' Learning Experience in the Athletic Classes of Senior High School