劉惠美Liu, Huei-Mei謝幸婷Sie, Sing-Ting2019-08-282015-09-232019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0598091226%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91453本研究採用單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試設計,探討以故事臉進行故事結構教學增進國中智能障礙學生口語敘事能力之成效。本研究之研究對象為六名國中中度智能障礙學生。本研究自變項為以故事臉進行故事結構教學,依變項為六位受試者的口語敘事能力,包括故事重述的內容總詞彙數、相異詞彙數、和故事結構。六名受試者依口語能力分為三組,接受基線期、介入期、維持期之評量,並將蒐集到的資料以視覺分析與C統計進行分析。本研究結果顯示: 一、運用故事臉進行故事結構教學對六位國中智能障礙學生的「故事內容的總詞彙數」有介入立即效果;維持效果不一致,受試乙、己具有良好維持效果、受試甲、丙、丁、戊雖具維持效果,但不穩定且有較介入期退步的趨勢。 二、運用故事臉進行故事結構教學對六位國中智能障礙學生的「故事內容的相異詞彙數」有介入立即效果和維持效果。 三、運用故事臉進行故事結構教學對六位國中智能障礙學生的故事結構能力有介入立即效果;維持效果不一致,受試甲、乙、己具有良好的維持效果。受試丁具有維持效果,但未達統計上的顯著。受試戊雖具維持效果,但不穩定且有較介入期退步的趨勢。受試丙則不具有維持效果。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出對未來研究與智能障礙學生口語敘事教學之相關建議。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the story grammar instruction using story face to enhance oral narrative ability for six junior high school students with moderate intellectual disabilities. A single-subject experimental study of multiple probe design across subjects was used. The independent variable was story grammar instruction and the dependent variable was oral narrative abilities, including the number of total words, the number of different words, and the the total scores of story grammar of the story retelling. The participants were divided into three groups according to thier oral language abilities. Data was collected based on three phases: baseline, intervention, and maintenance. Results of this study were summarized as follow: 1.Story grammar instruction using story face resulted in enhanced effect on the number of total words of six participants, but resulted in different effect on the number of total words across six participants during the maintenance period. Subject B and F showed the best maintained effect. Subject A, C, D, and F took the second place, but also showed backslide tendency. 2.Story grammar instruction using story face resulted in enhanced and retained effects on the number of different words of six participants. 3. Story grammar instruction using story face resulted in enhanced effect on the total scores of story grammar assessment of six participants, but resulted in different effect on the total scores of story grammar assessment across six participants during the maintenance period. Subject A, B, and F showed the best maintained effect. Subject D took the second place, but had no statistical significance. Subject D showed maintained effect, but also showed backslide tendency. Subject C showed no significant effects. Based on the findings of this study, the future studies regarding the narrative intervention for students with intellectual disabilities were discussed.智能障礙故事結構口語敘事能力教學單一受試Intellectual DisabilitiesStory GrammarOral Narrative AbilityInstructionSingle-Subject Design以故事臉進行故事結構教學增進國中智能障礙學生口語敘事能力之成效The Effects of Story Grammar Instruction using Story Face on Enhancing Oral Narrative Ability for JuniorHigh School Students with Intellectual Disabilities