陳柏熹Chen, Po-Hsi張育菱Chang, Yu-Ling2019-08-282015-08-202019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001012114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90392金融業是國家整體經濟之核心,其經營是否健全,對一國的經濟發展具有重大影響。由於金融從業人員的工作幾乎每日都要經手大筆金錢與客戶機密資料,具有高度之敏感性,因此,金融產業對於其業內從業人員之人格特質尤為重視,故運用人格測驗作為從業人員的篩選工具有其必要性。研究者所任職之財團法人台灣金融研訓院測驗中心,為使金融產業人才評鑑工具更臻完備,促進我國金融機構選才精確性與適切性,特與國立台灣師範大學心理與教育測驗研究發展中心合作,以國內金融從業人員作為常模,專為國內金融產業訂作專屬人格測驗─「金融人才性格測驗」,且為提供「金融人才性格測驗」有力之效度證據,本研究特與P銀行合作,採立意取樣方式,以P銀行櫃檯人員、帳戶管理員為研究對象,以「金融人才性格測驗」、「明尼蘇達工作滿意度短式量表」、「留任意願量表」以及個案銀行提供近三年績效考核分數作為研究工具,透過Pearson相關檢定、結構方程模式(Structural equation modeling, SEM)分析等研究方法,分析人格特質、工作績效、工作滿意、留任意願之間的相關性,並驗證本研究以明尼蘇達工作適應理論為基礎建構之各變項間關聯模式以及兩類目標職務適性特質,以了解「金融人才性格測驗」應用於個案銀行目標職務之甄選效度,以利提供該行進行目標職務甄選之參考指標。本研究共計分別發出208份研究測驗及問卷(含櫃台人員99人、帳戶管理員109人),回收187份(含櫃台人員89人,帳戶管理員98人),回收率90%。 研究結果發現本研究以工作適應理論假設之人格特質、工作績效、工作滿意、留任意願關聯模型成立。其中,人格特質與工作滿意、工作績效、留任意願相關性顯著,且人格特質對工作滿意有顯著之預測力,並可透過工作滿意間接預測留任意願。此外,透過結構方程分析,P銀行櫃台人員主要適性特質為親和性、服務性、謹慎性;帳戶管理員主要適性特質為開放性、親和性、服務性。綜合上述,以P銀行櫃台人員、帳戶管理員為例,藉由「金融人才性格測驗」應可有效了解目標人員工作績效、工作滿意、留任意願情形,並可作為未來相關人員甄選時之參考指標。The financial industry is the core of the country's overall economy, and the health of its management could have an impressive impact on a country’s economic development. Because financial professionals handle highly sensitive money, the industry places a particularly strong emphasis on the characters of its employees. Therefore personality tests are essential and necessary tools when selecting suitable candidates for employment. The Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance Testing Center, where the researcher is employed, cooperated with PCPET to develop a personality test. This test was based on domestic financial personnel norms and designed to evaluate the accuracy and appropriateness of recruiting procedures used by financial institutions for selecting employees.In order to provide strong and valid evidence for the aforementioned "Financial Professionals Personality Test," the researcher collaborated with the P BANK which provided its counter staff and account managers as samples for this research. The research tools included the "Financial Professionals Personality Test," "Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire," " Retention Willingness Questionnaire," and three years of actual employee performance evaluation scores at P Bank. The research used the Pearson correlation test to analyze the correlation between personality traits, job performance, job satisfaction, and retention willingness, and it used the SEM method to analyze the correlation model among the variables based on The Theory of Work Adjustment. A total of 208 questionnaires were issued to participants (including 99 counter staff and 109 account managers) and received from 187 participants (including 89 counter staff and 98 account managers) with a recovery rate of 90%. The findings are as follows: The correlation between personality traits, job satisfaction, job performance and retention willingness is significantly relevant. Furthermore, personality traits could be a significant basis for predicting job satisfaction and have significant predictive power on retention willingness as well as for indirectly predicting job satisfaction. In addition, through the SEM analysis, the research found that the P Bank counter staff’s adaptive traits were Agreeableness, Service Orientation and Conscientiousness; whereas the account managers’ adaptive traits were Openness, Agreeableness and Service Orientation. In conclusion, the "Financial Professionals Personality Test" could be an efficient reference for P Bank when selecting suitable people for counter staff and accounts manager. Its results could also indicate potential employees’ future job satisfaction, job performance, and Retention Willingness.人格特質工作滿意工作績效留任意願工作適應理論Personality traitsJob satisfactionRetention WillingnessJob performanceThe Theory of Work Adjustment金融人才性格測驗對工作績效、工作滿意與留任意願之效標關聯驗證─以P銀行為例The Criterion-Related Validiy of the Financial Professionals Personality Test between Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, and Retention Willingness – Taking P Bank as an Example