鄭景峰Cheng, Ching-Feng江裕翔Chiang, Yu-Hsiang2020-10-192025-12-312020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060632019A%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111671目的:本研究旨在探討以遠紅外線桑拿 (far-infrared sauna) 進行對比浴 (contrast bath therapy, CBT) 對於阻力運動後生理恢復與肌肉適能表現之影響。方法:本研究招募24名健康男性進行實驗。在完成阻力運動 (10組 × 10下70%最大肌力之平行蹲舉) 之後,以隨機分配之方式將受試者分為2組並進行恢復處理,分別為CBT (3組 × 11°C進行5分鐘與100°C進行5分鐘) 與控制組 (CON)。在阻力運動前 (pre) 與後 (post)、恢復後 (rec)、運動後90分鐘 (1.5 h)、運動後24 (24 h) 及48 (48 h) 小時,實施下蹲跳、蹲踞跳與大腿中段等長上拉之測驗,並詢問疼痛程度自覺量表。在pre、1.5 h、24 h及48 h,檢測肌酸激酶 (creatine kinase, CK)、膝關節活動度與大腿圍。在pre、post及rec,檢測血乳酸。結果:2組之CK於1.5 h、24 h及48 h顯著高於pre。在下蹲跳方面,CBT之離地時間、跳躍高度 (CBT vs. CON, 0.35 ± 0.06 vs. 0.30 ± 0.05 m, p< .05) 及最大發力率於24 h顯著高於CON。在蹲踞跳方面,CBT之力量峰值在24 h及48 h顯著高於CON;CBT之最大發力率在rec及48 h (CBT vs. CON, 8481 ± 3675 vs. 5191 ± 1812 N/s, p < .05) 顯著高於CON。在大腿中段等長上拉方面,CBT之力量峰值 (1.5 h: CBT vs. CON, 1091 ± 198 vs. 883 ± 208 N, p < .05)、平均力量及總衝量於1.5 h、24 h及48 h顯著高於CON;CBT之最大發力率於rec及48 h顯著高於CON。在生理指標方面,CBT之疼痛自覺程度於24 h及48 h顯著低於CON;CBT之膝關節活動度於48 h顯著高於CON;CBT之血乳酸下降率顯著高於CON;關於CK與大腿圍,2組間均無顯著差異。結論:以遠紅外線桑拿進行的CBT,能夠促進衰竭性阻力運動後之生理恢復並改善肌力與爆發力表現。Purpose: To investigate the effects of contrast bath therapy (CBT) administered by far-infrared sauna on physiological responses and muscle fitness following the resistance exercise. Methods: 24 healthy males were randomly assigned to one of two recovery groups following resistance exercise (10 sets × 10 parallel squats at 70% 1 repetition maximum): CBT (3 sets × 11°C for 5 min and 100°C for 5 min) and control (CON). Countermovement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ), isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP), and visual analogue scale (VAS) were measured before (pre) and after (post) resistance exercise, immediately post-recovery (rec), 1.5 (1.5 h), 24 (24 h) and 48 h (48 h) post-exercise. Creatine kinase (CK), knee range of motion (ROM), thigh circumference (CIR) were measured at pre, 1.5 h, 24 h, and 48 h. Blood lactate (La) was measured at pre, post, and rec. Results: CK at 1.5 h, 24 h and 48 h was significantly higher than that at pre in both groups. During the CMJ, flight time, jump height (CBT vs. CON, 0.35 ± 0.06 vs. 0.30 ± 0.05 m, p< .05), and maximal rate of force development (RFDmax) at 24 h in CBT were significantly higher than that in CON. During the SJ, peak force at 24 h and 48 h in CBT was significantly higher than that in CON; RFDmax at rec and 48 h (CBT vs. CON, 8481 ± 3675 vs. 5191 ± 1812 N/s, p < .05) was significantly higher than that in CON. During the IMTP, peak force (1.5 h: CBT vs. CON, 1091 ± 198 vs. 883 ± 208 N, p < .05), mean force, and total impulse at 1.5 h, 24 h and 48 h in CBT were significantly higher than that in CON. VAS at 24 h and 48 h was significantly lower than that in CON. ROM at 48 h was significantly higher than that in CON. La descent rate after resistance exercise in CBT was significantly higher than that in CON. However, there were no significant differences in CK and CIR among groups. Conclusion: CBT with far-infrared sauna was likely to facilitate physiological recovery, and improve muscular strength and explosive performance after exhaustive resistance exercise.疲勞恢復策略冷熱交替延遲性肌肉痠痛fatiguerecovery strategyalternating hot and coldDOMS以遠紅外線桑拿進行對比浴對阻力運動後生理恢復與肌肉適能表現之影響Effects of contrast bath therapy with far-infrared sauna on physiological recovery and muscle fitness after resistance exercise