林育慈Lin, Yu-Tzu段乃文Duan, Nai-Wen2022-06-082026-08-252022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/61d555fe1c9ac8779faff53e320b7ade/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118498隨著網際網路普及,資訊安全成為日常生活中不可或缺的全民素養,資訊安全教育亦隨之成為全球資訊教育所關注的重要議題,許多先進國家均於K-12資訊科技課綱中提及資訊安全教育之重要性。然而資訊安全中涵蓋許多抽象與複雜的概念,學生不易理解,且過往之資訊安全多實施於高等教育,缺乏針對高中生之教材設計,並以理論講授為主,較少提供學生實作機會。為能將抽象且複雜的概念具體化,以幫助學生理解,並透過動手操作,更能掌握相關演算法的程序,本研究發展視覺化模擬輔助之資訊安全教學策略,並據以設計與發展視覺化模擬平台,研究並探討視覺化模擬輔助教學對於資訊安全學習成就、學習態度,以及心智模型之影響。本研究以視覺化模擬平台作為視覺化模擬輔助教學之工具,將其分為「閱讀與理解」、「修改與觀察」「執行與測試」及「實作與應用」四個階段,經由教學實驗結果發現:一、本研究設計之視覺化模擬輔助教學,能以視覺化將抽象概念進行表徵,降低學生的學習負擔,且在視覺化模擬平台能讓學生依照自己的進度與需求進行不同階段的模擬操作及互動。其中「閱讀與理解」階段讓學生以視覺化方式以自己的進度進行概念學習,「修改與觀察」階段讓學生進行參數調整,觀察密碼學的執行步驟、過程及對應的結果,「執行與測試」階段針對問題及任務給與即時回饋幫助學生學習,綜合以上不同模擬階段提升學生資訊安全的學習成就。二、視覺化模擬輔助教學相較於傳統講述式教學,能讓學生以自己的步調進行學習,並藉由即時回饋隨時檢視學習成效,因此能擁有較好的自我效能。然而於電腦科學之學習感受及學習興趣與動機上,由於實驗時間過短、課程活動緊湊,且本次實驗對象皆為文組學生,原本對於電腦科學較不具學習興趣與動機,因此視覺化模擬輔助教學並未顯著提升興趣與動機。三、本研究設計之視覺化模擬輔助教學,能藉由反覆查看、參數調整及動手實作等,如:觀察對稱式加密及非對稱式加密的執行過程、修改凱薩加密中的金鑰後,觀察密文偏移結果、修改RSA演算法中使用到的質數後,觀察產生的公/私鑰變化為何,進而以程式實際執行不同的演算法等等,因而有效幫助學生建立心智模型,尤其是概念性心智模型的建立。學生藉由視覺化模擬平台中之「閱讀與理解」及「修改與觀察」頁面,以視覺化的方式降低學生學習時的認知負荷,幫助建立概念性心智模型;藉由「執行與測試」及「實作與應用」頁面,能增加動手實作的機會,並以即時回饋協助學生不斷調整及修正,以建立程序性心智模型,同時結合概念性心智模型與程序性心智模型進行實作。With the increasing reliance on the Internet, information security has become an indispensable literacy in daily life. Information security education then become s an important issue in computer science education and has been included in K-12 curriculums in many advanced countries. However, information security is composed of many abstract and complex concepts, which are not easy to understand for students. In traditional education, students were taught information security mostly in higher education, therefore the learning topics focused more on theories, and lacked opportunities for practice and implementation.In order to concretize abstract and complex concepts to help students understand and master the procedures of related algorithms, this study proposes an instructional methodology for information security by employing simulation and visualization. A learning platform based on simulation and visualization platform was designed and developed to explore the impacts on the effectiveness of learning achievement, learning attitude, and mental models. There are four stages here, which are “Reading and Comprehension”, “Modification and Observation”, “Execution and Testing” and “Implementation and Application”. The research findings are as follows:1. The proposed instructional methodology based on simulation and visualization can visualize abstract concepts and reduce the cognitive load of students. The simulation and visualization platform allows students to perform simulation operations at different stages according to their own progress and needs. Among them, the ” Reading and Comprehension” stage allows students to visually learn concepts at their own pace. The “Modification and Observation” stage allows students to adjust parameters, observe the implementation steps, processes, and corresponding results of cryptography. The “Execution and Testing” stages provide interaction and give instant feedback to help students learn, and further enhance students’ learning achievements in information security.2. Compared to traditional didactic teaching, simulation and visualization allows students to learn at their own pace, and reflect on their own learning situation by feedback, so they can have better self-efficacy. However,3. The proposed instructional methodology based on simulation and visualization in this study can effectively help students establish mental models, especially the conceptual mental models through repeated observation, parameter adjustment, and hands-on implementation. For example: observe the execution process of symmetric cryptography and asymmetric cryptography, modify the key in Caesar encryption, and observe the result of ciphertext offset, modify the prime numbers which used in the RSA algorithm, and observe the results and different places of generated public/private keys, and then execute actually different algorithms by programming, etc. Which effectively helps Students building the conceptual mental models during the"Reading and Understanding" and "Modifying and Observing" in the simulation and visualization platform. The immediate feedback, "Execute and Test" and "Practice and Application" help students build and adjust their procedural mental models continuously.資訊安全密碼學視覺化模擬輔助教學心智模型Information SecurityCryptographySimulationVisualizationMental model視覺化模擬輔助資訊安全教學之設計與評估An Exploration of the Effects of Simulation and Visualization on Learning Information Security學術論文