佘永吉Sher, Yung-Ji喻紹嫻Yu, Shao-Hsien2022-06-082021-06-092022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/170a734c50ac3ef9758ea55df5779504/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117998適應體育近年來開始逐漸受到關注,臺灣也持續推動適應體育教學,但特教教師對於適應體育知能普遍不足;而身障學生對於體育活動參與的動機較為低落,也導致無法養成運動習慣及習得體育技巧。本研究旨在探討對國小中度智能障礙學生採用工作分析法,進行地板滾球教學介入,訓練並提升其擲球精準度之成效。研究採透過單一受試研究法,研究對象為3名國小中度智能障礙學生。自變項為以工作分析法進行地板滾球介入,依變項為擲球精準度評量(子母球間間距測量結果);研究包含基線期、介入期及維持期,總共進行8週,每週3次,每次40分鐘。研究工具為(1)地板滾球擲準度評量 (2)自編滾球擲準工作分析教學記錄表(3)重要他人滿意度問卷,蒐集資料後以視覺分析等方式,瞭解介入和維持的成效。本研究結果如後:以工作分析法進行地板滾球教學介入無法改善中度智能障礙學生擲球精準度,無習得成效與維持成效,但在重要他人滿意度卻呈現良好結果。本研究因過程多處嚴謹度尚須深思,導致研究結果未如預期,因此本研究以探討反思及修正為主軸,希冀對未來研究者在掌握研究各面向精確度能有所助益。Adapted physical education has gradually attracted attention in recent years,and Taiwan has continued to promote adapted physical education teaching. However, special education teachers generally lack knowledge of adapted physical education,while disabled students have a low motivation for participating in sports activities,which also leads to the inability to develop sports habits and acquire sports skills.The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of using task analysis method to train and improve the precision of throwing the ball of students with mild intellectual disabilities in elementary school by means of a single subject research.The research tool:(1)Measured the distance betreen the ball and the mother ball by the researcher.(2)Task analysis record sheet.(3) Significant other’s satisfaction questionnaire.After collecting the data,the influence of intervention and maintenance is understood by means of visual analysis,and the social validity analysis.This study because of too many sudden changes in the process,the results show that the using task analysis method to train and improve the precision of throwing the ball of students with mild intellectual disabilities in elementary school has no intervention and maintenance outcome.It is suggested that when planning the relevant courses of students with mild intellectual disabilities in elementary school, the contents of the intervention plan can be analyzed according to the students'needs and abilities,and if the relevant research is carried out in the future,it can be deeply explored for students of different types and different intervention methods.工作分析法中度智能障礙地板滾球擲球精準度單一受試研究法BocciaModerate Intellectual DisabilitiesPrecision of ball throwingsingle subject researchTask Analysis以工作分析法進行地板滾球介入對國小中度智能障礙學生改善擲球精準度之研究Improving Precision of Ball Throwing through The Program of Task Analysis and Boccia Intervention for The Elementary School Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities學術論文