郝永崴洪玉華2019-08-282011-6-252019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597002203%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89953  本研究目的在探究國中學生對不同類別媒體使用於歷史教學上的感受、看法及學習情形。本研究採用個案研究法進行研究,為豐富資料來源,使用問卷調查法、文件分析法及訪談法等三種方法蒐集資料。   研究者首先針對多媒體理論、相關文獻及研究進行探討,以了解多媒體教材如何應用於歷史科教學。接著,採取ASSURE模式設計「多媒體融入希臘、羅馬古文明」單元之多媒體教材,實施教學後進行測驗、問卷調查、PPT回饋單與訪談。實施測驗及問卷調查,目的在了解學生的學習情形及其對於多媒體教材融入歷史科教學的一般感受;而PPT回饋單及焦點團體訪談,則是在進一步探討學生對於多媒體教材的個別看法。主要發現有以下三點: 一、多數學生對多媒體教學持正面肯定態度,贊成繼續使用。 二、學生對於不同類別媒體的喜好程度有差異。喜好程度由高而低,依次為「動畫/影片」、「圖片」類及「文字」類。 三、多媒體教學對學習成就不同者的影響有差異,主要表現在上課專心程度及偏好媒體類型兩方面。   本研究結果證實歷史科確實是一門適合使用多媒體教材教學的學科,但在實際應用上,必須注意「圖、文須適當搭配」及「教材呈現時應經過整理篩選」等二項原則;同時,也要善用不同媒體之特性,以達成歷史科教學目標。The purpose of this study is to explore how the usage of multimediain History class affects the feeling, viewpoint and learning situation of Junior High School Students. This study adopts the case study method to conduct the research and uses survey, document analysis method and interview method, three methods, to collect diversified and rich information. First, the researcher focuses on multimedia theories, related references and studies and tries to understand how multimedia is applied in the teaching of History. Next, the researcher adopts ASSURE model to design multimedia teaching materials for the “Multimedia Infused into Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization” module and tests, surveys, and interviews students as well as conducts PPT feedback sheet after the teaching. The purpose of having tests and surveys is to understand students’ learning conditions and their feelings towards the infusion of multimedia into history teaching; the objective of using PPT feedbacks and focus group interviews is to find out how students feel about multimedia teaching materials individually. There are three major findings: 1. Most students have positive attitudes toward multimedia and would like multimedia to be continuously used in teaching. 2. Students have different preference levels toward different types of multimedia. The preference levels, from high to low, are: animations/videos, pictures and texts. 3. The multimedia teaching has different impact on students with different learning achievement, mainly showing in two areas, the focus level in class and the preference of multimedia. The findings of this study show that history is a subject that is suitable to use multimedia teaching materials. However, teachers need to pay attention to the appropriate combination of pictures and texts and carefully select teaching materials while presenting; in the meantime, teachers should utilize different characteristics of each multimedia to achieve teaching goals in history. Keywords: Computer multimedia teaching materials, multimedia learning theory, dual-coding theory, ASSURE, teaching integrated with information technology.電腦多媒體教材雙碼理論多媒體學習理論ASSURE教學設計模式資訊科技融入教學Computer multimedia teaching materialsmultimedia learning theorydual-coding theoryASSUREteaching integrated with information technology國中生對歷史科多媒體教材學習感受及看法之個案研究-以世界史《希臘、羅馬古文明》單元為例