陳惠茹張鑑如Hui-Ju ChenChien-Ju Chang2014-10-272014-10-272011-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11283本研究目的在探討成人以指讀及文字討論的共讀方式帶領幼兒閱讀童書對其辨認書中字彙能力的影響。四十八位平均年齡四歲三個月的幼兒,分成三組,在不同的成人閱讀指引方式下,共讀「三隻小兔」童書五次,並測試其辨認書中六個字彙的能力。研究結果顯示:(1)在「指讀及文字討論」的共讀方式帶領下,幼兒辨認書中字彙的能力與參與「指讀及命名」、「純粹唸讀」共讀活動的幼兒有顯著差異。(2)在「指讀及文字討論」的共讀方式帶領下,幼兒出現較多自發性對印刷文字的討論,且自發的文字討論次數與其認字能力呈現正相關。文中並對未來相關研究及閱讀教學策略提出討論與建議。The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of adult using print referencing (i.e., pointing while discussing print materials) during joint storybook reading on preschoolers’ word recognition ability. Forty-eight preschool-aged children with an average age of four years and three months were assigned to three guided storybook reading conditions: ‘(a) verbatim reading, (b) pointing and labeling the print, and (c) pointing and discussing about the print. After five joint readings of the “Three Rabbits” storybook, children’s ability to recognize six target words were examined. Results showed:(1) Children in the pointing-and-discussing-about-print condition scored significantly higher than children in the verbatim-reading and pointing-and-labeling-print conditions. (2) Children in the pointing-and-discussing- about-print condition initiated more discussions about the printed materials, and there is a positive relationship between the frequency of self initiation and word recognition ability. Implications for pedagogy are discussed and future research directions are suggested.文字覺識共讀方式指讀認字joint storybook readingprint awarenessword recognition指讀及文字討論之共讀方式對幼兒認字的影響Effects of Print Referencing in Joint Storybook Reading on Preschoolers’ Word Recognition