呂有豐Lue, Yeou-Feng陳英彰Chen, Ying-Chang2024-12-172024-06-272024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9a5ebfc5b6dd8447419cd2ad55a9cb94/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123236本研究使用優異熱傳遞性奈米石墨烯(Gr)與耐磨耗性奈米二氧化鈦(TiO2),添加入SAE10W-40機油中以二階合成法製成(Graphene / Titanium dioxide hybrid nano-engine oil, GTHNO),期望複合奈米機油能夠具備兩種奈米材料特性。為確定GTHNO之性能是否達到優化效果,分別進行「基礎實驗」和「實車實驗」,其中基礎實驗:磨潤、黏度、導熱、比熱和沉降實驗等五項;實車實驗:ECE-40、定速、平路及爬坡實驗,並紀錄燃油消耗、廢氣排放和PM粒狀汙染物。本研究GTHNO備製比例固定Gr濃度0.03 wt.%,TiO2濃度分為0.01、0.05、0.1、0.3及0.5 wt.%,經過基礎實驗評比0.3 wt.%為最佳濃度;磨潤實驗0.3 wt.%表現最為優異,驗證了添加過多或過少TiO2濃度有極大的影響。黏度實驗0.5 wt.%擁有較高的黏度,表示增加TiO2將會導致黏度升高。熱傳導實驗0.3 wt.%擁有最佳的熱穩定性質。比熱實驗0.5 wt.%最易受溫度變化。沉降實驗0.3 wt.%趨進於最不容易沉澱的濃度。GTHNO實車實驗中能夠有效改善CO 16 %和HC 35 %,最大程度降低有害氣體汙染;而行駛於市區下PM粒徑改善率約4.4 ~ 27.5 %之間。燃油消耗率各行車型態測試之間改善率約0 ~ 3 %之間。In this study, nano-graphene (Gr) and nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) were added to SAE10W-40 engine oil through a two-step synthesis method to produce a Graphene/Titanium dioxide hybrid nano-engine oil (GTHNO) for incorporate excellent thermal conductivity and wear resistant. It was conducted to determine whether the performance of GTHNO reached optimal effectiveness for basic experiments (included tribology, viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and sedimentation) and on-road experiments (comprised ECE-40, constant speed, flat road, and hill climbing tests, while recording fuel consumption, exhaust emissions, and particulate matter pollutants).The proportion of GTHN preparation was fixed with Gr concentration at 0.03 wt.%, and TiO2 concentration was varied at 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 wt.%.According to the results of five basic experiments, the 0.3 wt.% TiO2 was selected as the optimal concentration. The 0.3 wt.% performance in the tribology experiment was the best, verifying that adding too much or too little TiO2 concentration has a significant impact. The viscosity test of 0.5 wt.% had a higher viscosity, indicating that increasing TiO2 will lead to an increase in viscosity. The thermal conductivity test revealed that 0.3 wt.% exhibited the best thermal stability. In the specific heat test, 0.5 wt.% was the most susceptible to temperature changes. The sedimentation experiment showed that 0.3 wt.% tended to have the least sedimentation. In the on-road experiments, GTHNO effectively improved CO by 16 % and HC by 35 %, minimizing harmful gas pollution; and in urban driving conditions, the improvement rates varied between 0 and 3 % improvement across different driving scenarios.石墨烯奈米流體複合潤滑油PM粒狀汙染物GrapheneNanofluidComposite lubricantParticulate Matter pollutants石墨烯與二氧化鈦複合奈米機油應用於機車之性能研究The Study of Using Graphene and Titanium Dioxide HybridNano-Engine Oil on Performance of Motorcycle Engine學術論文