洪仁進陳智偉CHEN CHI WEI2019-08-282019-6-102019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599002125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89984本研究的目的在於:分析國中訓導人員知覺工作壓力與續任意願因素重要性的情形;並比較不同背景變項的國中訓導人員知覺工作壓力、續任意願的差異情形;以及探討國中訓導人員知覺工作壓力和續任意願的關係;最後歸納研究結果,希望提出具體建議,供教育主管機關與學校行政及訓導人員個人之參考。 為達本研究的目的,本研究採用文獻調查法與問卷調查法兩種方法。其中文獻調查法係用來探討與本研究有相關的理論與研究,作為研究架構的基礎。而問卷調查法則用來蒐集資料,以了解現今國中訓導人員的工作壓力與續任意願之關係。問卷調查中的研究結果初步呈現之後,研究者加以紀錄與分析。 問卷調查樣本係以服務於中華民國臺北市立國民中學之訓導人員,合計有286位。本研究母群體不大,為達成本研究之研究目的,並且能完全真實的反應母群體之特性,因此採取普查方式進行。 本研究獲得重要結論如下:1、訓導人員知覺工作壓力程度為中等偏高程度。2、訓導人員續任意願因素程度以認同性為最高。3、擔任國中訓導人員年齡31-40歲、教學年資6-10年、行政年資2-6年、學校規模54班以上感受工作壓力最大。4、國中訓導人員行政年資1年以下、學校規模54班以上續任意願最高。 本研究根據以上結論,提出之建議為: 1.學校在訓導人員之選材上,原則上以有一定教學年資之教師為主,其經驗較能適應訓導職務之工作壓力,新進教師可先在體育組或衛生組進行培養與歷練。 2.增加訓導人員的配置,尤其最需要與學生家長溝通之職務。 3.建置訓導人員輪替機制,以減少工作倦怠的發生。 4.增加導師的培訓課程,以減少訓導人員之工作負荷。A study on the job stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators at junior high schools in taipei city-taking the administrative staff members in the department of student affairs for example Abstract The purpose of the study is to explore the factors that affect how the staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school perceived the job stress and the willingness of reappointment .Furthure, to find the differences in job stress and the willingness of reappointment as staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school reflected by the sample’s background variables and the relationship between job stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators. Finally, get the conclusion , and gave some suggestions to educational administrative authorities and the staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school . To achieve the aim of the study , the researcher took questionnaire survey and literature survey method as study tool .The researcher took literature survey methothe to find out related theory and studies to be the base of the study. In order to undersatnd the realationship between job stress and the willingness of reappointment as staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school , the researcher use questionnaire survey to collect information. When finishing data collection, the researcher will start to analyze the data. The population was targeted at the staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school in Taipei city in the academic year of 2012 ,and they are 286 in total. In the study , because the population is not big , to achieve the aim of the research , and to reflect the true characteristics of the population, the researcher took the questionnaires . The conclusions of the research were described as follows: 1. The perceptions of the staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school in Taipei city are in mid-high level. 2. The most imprortnat factor of the willingness of reappointment is their identity to their job. 3. The staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school in Taipei city feel more wok stress than othres if they are at the age from 31 to 40, if they have taught for 6 to 10 years , and if they are with administrative positions for 2 to 6 years and if they job in school with more than 54 classes. 4. The staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school in Taipei city will most likely to continue their jobs if they are in administrative positions in less on e year and job in schools with more than 54 classes. Base on the conclusion , the suggestions of the research were described as follows: 1. When hire the staffs of Student Affairs in junior high school, we should choose teachers who has taught for more than certain years, because they have more experiences and deal with job stress more easily. New teachers can be trained in sports section or the health and sanity section first 2. To have more positions in Student Affairs , especially have new job position of communicating with students’ parents. 3. To have the turn –taking rules of the staffs of Student Affairs, that way , we can prevent them from getting tired of the job easily. 4. To increase the lessons of homeroom teacher training, that way, we can reduced the job loading of the staffs of Student Affairs.訓導人員工作壓力續任意願student affairsjob stresswillingness of reappointment臺北市立國民中學行政人員工作壓力與續任意願之相關研究—以訓導人員為例A study on the job stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators at junior high schools in taipei city-taking the administrative staff members in the department of student affairs for example