郭鐘隆Guo,Jong-Long朱元珊CHU,Yuan-Shan2019-08-282020-2-22019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060105013E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87845目的:根據過去研究顯示青少年非法藥物使用的盛行率有逐漸增加的趨勢,其中又以高中職學生使用非法藥物之行為比例較其他學制為高。本研究希望能夠瞭解高中職學生非法藥物使用行為之現況,並探討危險因子、保護因子對高中職生非法藥物使用行為之影響,以提供未來制定相關非法藥物防制政策之參考及設計介入計畫使用。方法:本研究使用教育部「藥物濫用防制問卷資料統計分析計畫」之資料庫分析,採「多段分層群集抽樣法」抽出某市高中職學生共12,843位,並以階層邏輯斯迴歸、區別分析等方法進行分析。結果:預測高中職生非法藥物使用行為最強之預測變項在個人層面為個體是否使用菸酒檳榔等物質,在家庭層面為家中是否有人使用非法藥物,在同儕/學校層面則為同儕是否出現非法藥物使用之情形。結論:危險因子之「男性」、「菸酒檳榔使用」、「非法藥物可近性」、「家人非法藥物使用」、「無故不到校」、「同儕菸酒檳榔使用」、「同儕非法藥物使用」,以及保護因子之「反毒態度正向」、「非法藥物防制認知」、「接受藥物教育」,為預測該市高中職生出現非法藥物使用行為之重要因子。本研究結果可供未來設計介入計畫使用。Objectives: According to prior studies, the prevalence of using illicit drugs among adolescence has been increasing, especially the high school students. The purpose of the study was to estimate the prevalence of using illicit drugs among high school students and explore the relationship with the risk factors, protective factors and the behavior to use illicit drugs among high school students so that could be suggestions for illicit drug policies in the future. Method: This analysis is based on the database provided by the Ministry of Education "Illicit drugs use prevention questionnaire statistical analysis program". The Multi-stages stratified cluster sampling method was conducted and the total of 12,843 senior high school students were included as the sample. The analytical methods included hierarchical logistic regression and discriminant analysis. Results: Prediction of senior high school students illicit drugs use behavior strongest predictors at the individual level is whether to use alcohol, tobacco or betel nut. The family level is whether the family to use illicit drugs at home. The peer and school level is whetherthe peers or friends to use illicit drugs. Conclusion: Risk factors of "gender", "alcohol, tobacco, betel nut use", "accessibility of illicit drugs", "family use illicit drugs", "unexcused absence", "peer alcohol, tobacco, betel nut use", "peer illicit drugs use", and protection factors of "attitude", "awareness", "drug education" are important predictors of high school students for illicit drugs use. The finding can provide future design intervention program to use.青少年非法藥物使用危險因子保護因子階層邏輯斯迴歸adolescentillicit drug userisk factorprotective factorhierarchical logistic regression某市高中職生危險因子、保護因子與非法藥物使用行為之探討Risk and Protective Factors for Illicit Drug Use Among Senior High School Students