張雨霖Chang, Yu-Lin朱怡華Chu, Yi-Hua2024-12-172024-01-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cb01605cd247ad4309c3882a386d67a9/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122387本研究旨在探討六頂思考帽創意數學日記對於國小六年級學生之數學焦慮、數學自我調節及數學表現(包含數學學業成就與數學學習動機)之影響。本研究採準實驗研究,研究參與者為北部某國小六年級之學生。研究者以便利取樣方式選取其中4班,分為使用六頂思考帽創意數學日記之實驗組,包含2班共44人,其中21位男生,23位女生;使用一般數學日記之對照組,包含2班41人,其中17位男生,24位女生。兩組參與者經過為期六週於數學課進行數學日記寫作歷程。第一週以及第六週均施以數學焦慮量表、數學自我調節學習量表與數學學習動機量表之測驗,並蒐集兩組學生於參與實驗前之數學期中評量成績,以及參與實驗後之數學期末評量成績。研究結果顯示實驗組在數學學業成就、數學學習動機四構面中的工作價值,兩方面均顯著優於對照組;而在數學自我調節、數學學習動機之其他構面,以及數學焦慮,則與對照組無顯著差異。本研究將根據結果,對未來的研究者與教學者提出相關建議,做為日後研究之參考。This study aims to investigate the impact of the Six Thinking Hats creative math journal on the mathematics anxiety, self-regulation in mathematics, and mathematics performance (includes math achievement and math learning motivation) of sixth-grade elementary school students. The research employed a quasi-experimental design with participants from a certain elementary school in the northern region. Using convenience sampling, the researcher selected four classes, divided into an experimental group using the Six Thinking Hats creative math journal (44 students, 21 males, 23 females) and a control group using a regular math journal (41 students, 17 males, 24 females). Both groups engaged in a six-week mathematical journal writing process during their math classes. Pre- and post-tests were conducted in the first and sixth weeks, measuring mathematics anxiety, self-regulation in mathematics, and motivation for mathematical learning. Additionally, mid-term and final math assessment scores were collected for both groups before and after the experiment. Results indicated that the experimental group outperformed the control group significantly in terms of mathematics academic achievement and the job value aspect of motivation for mathematical learning. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of mathematics self-regulation, other aspects of motivation for mathematical learning, and mathematics anxiety. Based on the findings, the study provides recommendations for future researchers and educators as references for subsequent research.六頂思考帽數學日記數學焦慮數學自我調節學習數學表現six thinking hatsmathematics self-regulation learningmathematics learning motivationmathematics performancemath diary六頂思考帽創意數學日記融入國小數學課程對數學焦慮、數學自我調節學習、數學表現之效果The Effects of Six Thinking Hats Creative Math Journals Integrated the Elementary School Math Curriculum on Math Anxiety, Math Self-Regulated Learning, and Math Performance.學術論文