鄭勝分Cheng, Sheng-Fen任芸萱Jen, Yun-Hsuan2019-08-292020-01-012019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060502015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92132社會創業近年來成為全球創業議題的焦點,為了培養社會企業人才,政府、學術單位與私人機構以不同的方式引領優秀團隊進入社會創業領域,而舉辦社會創業競賽成為熱門的管道。回顧社會創業之相關研究,多半從個人特質、政策環境等面向去探討動機,社會創業競賽較少被討論,造成學術上的缺口。本研究分別以兩個學生社會創業團隊與兩個非學生社會創業團隊作為代表個案,採用質性研究之個案研究法,探究創業團隊參與社會創業競賽與從事社會創業之動機與歷程,並探討參與社會創業競賽對於其創業過程的實質幫助與影響。 研究結果顯示,學生團隊參與社會創業競賽之動機乃期望結合所學與增加實務經驗與回饋社會,競賽過程中,學生對於參賽之專案衍生了深厚之情感,並抱有強烈的社會使命感,體悟到唯有延續計畫才得以解決社會問題。社會創業競賽對於學生創業團隊從事社會創業的實質幫助,乃創新守門機制中之「加值效果」,豐厚的創業獎金、創業輔導與創業課程等相關培育活動,使沒有太多社會經驗的學生團隊得以獲得許多創新育成的資源,亦為賽後願意投入社會創業的重要因素。而非學生團隊參與競賽最重要的目的乃是匯集資源,提供參賽團隊一個檢視與釐清公司目標的機會,與評審、其他隊伍的互動中獲取寶貴經驗與激發出不同的創意,並在參賽的過程中取得重要的人脈資源網絡,促使創業團隊事業擴大與成長,故參與社會創業競賽在創業團隊從事社會創業過程中,扮演著關鍵性之角色。The social entrepreneurship has become the focus of entrepreneurship across the world in recent years. In order to develop talents for social entrepreneurship, the public, academia and private sectors attract talents to the social entrepreneurship sector through various ways, and social entrepreneurship competitions are the most common. Most studies on social entrepreneurship investigated the motivations in terms of personality traits and policy backgrounds, leaving an opening in academia in the lack of discussion in terms of social entrepreneurship competitions as a result. This study investigated the motivation and process of participation in social entrepreneurship competitions and the engagement in social entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship teams by means of case study in qualitative research, with two student social entrepreneurship teams and two non-student social entrepreneurship teams as samples. This study also investigated the substantial benefits and effects of social entrepreneurship competitions for and on the process of social entrepreneurship. This study found that participation in social entrepreneurship competitions plays a decisive role in entrepreneurship teams. Putting theory into practice and contributing to society are the motivations motivating student entrepreneurship teams to participate in social entrepreneurship competitions. In the competition process, students develop deep involvement in the competition project, establish a strong sense of mission for society, and realize the need to continue the plan to resolve social problems. The substantial benefits that student entrepreneurship teams gained from social entrepreneurship competitions include the innovation of value-adding effect in the gatekeeping mechanism, high entrepreneurship prizes, entrepreneurship guidance and consultation, and entrepreneurship training activities. These benefits provide innovation and incubation resources for student entrepreneurship teams without much social experience, which are essential to motivate their future engagement in social enterprises. To non-student entrepreneurship teams, gathering resources, obtaining an opportunity to review and clarify their organizational goals, learning valuable experience and stimulating different types of creativity through the interaction with the judges and other teams, and developing important social networking in the process of competition for them to expand and grow their business are the major goals.社會企業社會創業創業競賽Social EnterpriseSocial entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship Competition創業團隊參與社會創業競賽之歷程研究A Study on Process of Entrepreneurial Teams Participate in Social Entrepreneurship Competition