蘇秀華Su, Hsiu-Hua易玫珏Yi, Mei-Chueh2019-09-062019-03-212019-09-062019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005903113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108118莫札特與舒伯特都是德語藝術歌曲史上重要的音樂家,他們所譜寫的歌曲,即使過了二百多年,仍受世人的喜愛並且一再傳唱,他們一生中有許多相似處,同樣是天才型的作曲家、同樣窮困、同樣英年早逝…,令人忍不住為他們精彩又短暫的音樂人生嘆息! 感嘆是詩人的繆思,喜悅、悲傷都可化為感嘆的詩句,莫札特與舒伯特將詩人的這份浪漫以歌曲的形式留傳了下來,在他們的心中必定已和詩人產生了一定程度的共鳴,因此啟發了作曲的靈感。 藉由對莫札特與舒伯特共十首感嘆意境歌曲的研究,希望能從他們譜曲的模式及當時的人生經歷中,來看這兩位偉大音樂家對詩詞不同感嘆意境的想法,以期更貼近作曲者的心意,達到最佳的演唱詮釋。Mozart and Schubert are significant lieder composers, even more than two hundred years passed, songs they made are popular and performed repeatedly nowadays. There’re similarities between their lives. They were geniuses, they lived in poverty, and they died young …, people cannot help signing for their brilliant but short lives! Exclamation is the Muse of poets, joy and sadness bring poetry. Mozart and Schubert attempt to portray musically the imagery of the poems. They must have produced links to poems, so the poets’ inspirations flow to them by music. The study of ten lieder about exclamation is aimed at understanding the musicians’ thoughts on exclamation via the way they composed and lived. Through the interpretation, the singer might have better understanding of the musicians and make better interpretation.莫札特舒伯特德語藝術歌曲感嘆意境MozartSchubertGerman liederexclamation感嘆意境歌曲的分析與詮釋:以莫札特與舒伯特的德語藝術歌曲為例An Interpretation of Mozart's and Schubert's German Lieder about Exclamation