童怡箏周麗端Yi-Cheng TungLi-Tuan Chou2014-10-272014-10-272013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/396080 年代是臺灣教育史上變動最劇烈的階段,中等教育課程也進行課程修訂。本篇以性別教育的喊起、消費型態改變、全球化影響、人口與家庭結構轉型等社會雙邊影響因素及學科新議題成長的角度,探討高中家政科從84課程標準到99課程綱要中課程目標、核心能力與內容的改變。因此得知,改變來自於高中家政課程目標、核心能力、與內容皆緊隨社會進步而變化,且以促進家庭生活知能與技能之學習為主軸。課程設計亦能以學習者本身情境與需求出發與學科同步成長,以達成學習者因察覺家庭生活所需而白發學習,暸解自身與系統的關你有所互動,進而白發性地創造群體共好的家庭生活。The 1990s witnessed tremendous changes in Taiwan' s education history, and it was a phase in which amendments to the secondary curriculum were made. In the light of social factors and new issues in home economics, such as the rise of gender education, the change of consumption patterns, the influence of globalization and the transformation of population and family structure, this paper aims to explore the changes, from 84 curriculum standards to 99 curriculum guidelines, of curricular objectives, core capabilities and instructional contents. As the results show, the changes in the subject matter are closely tied to social transformation and improvement. The curriculum focused on the knowledge and skills in home economics and was designed to raise self-awareness and wellbeing of living and spontaneously create a better family life as a result.家政教育84課程95 課綱99課綱家政變遷Home EconomicsCurriculum StandardsCurriculum GuidelinesInnovationHigh School臺灣高中家政課程的變革:從84課程標準到99課程綱要The Transformation of Taiwan High School Home Economics Curriculum: From 84 Curriculum Standards to 99 Curriculum Guidelines