陳明秀Chen, Ming-Hsiu Mia林敏賢Lin, Min-Xian2024-12-172024-07-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a7d5299aa6af6455de51da3c9b3798c7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123295隨著2019年新冠肺炎的爆發,全球各產業身受其影響,美術館尤其受到多方面的壓力。然而,這場疫情危機也促使美術館意識到「數位化」之迫切性。這一轉變使得美術館和觀眾之間關係產生深遠影響,更推動了線上展覽的發展。本研究旨在填補現有研究中對於線上展覽分析的不足,根據當前全球美術館線上展覽發展歷程,深入檢視台灣現代美術館線上展覽的發展及現況,並藉由「沈浸感問卷」收集資料。首先,本研究透過指標檢測清單,從五個展覽類型中篩選在互動設計、內容、視覺美學方面具代表性的美術館線上展覽。其次透過問卷調查,以集中性注意力、時間解離、傳輸、情感投入、享樂感為五個沈浸感構面,探討不同教育程度之受眾,其線上展覽沈浸感差異。以及線上展覽在設計因素與沈浸感之間的關聯性。本研究共計回收508份有效問卷,資料分析方法包括:信效度分析、描述性統計、組內相關係數、單因子變異數分析、三因子變異數分析。研究結果如下:(1) 大學族群在情感投入及享樂感表現均優於國高中族群 ; (2) 線上展覽在視覺美學方面呈現越佳,越有利於提升使用者的情感共鳴和享樂感 ; (3) 線上展覽在互動設計與內容方面結合越佳,越能夠吸引使用者的注意力,並增強情感投入 ; (4) 線上展覽在內容與視覺美學方面結合越佳,使用者的注意力越能被有效吸引,情感投入和享樂感亦會隨之增強。文末綜合研究結果,提出對於目前台灣現代美術館之建議,以提供線上展覽開發者和相關領域之研究者參考。With the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, various global industries have been affected, and art museums have faced significant pressure from multiple fronts. However, this crisis has also prompted art museums to realize the urgency of"digitalization." This shift has profoundly impacted the relationship between museums and their audiences and has driven the development of online exhibitions. This study aims to fill the gap in existing research on the analysis of online exhibitions by examining the development and current status of online exhibitions in Taiwanese modern art museums, based on the global progression of online exhibitions. Data were collected using the "Immersion Questionnaire." First, representative online exhibitions from five exhibition types were selected using an indicator checklist, focusing on interaction design, content, and visual aesthetics. Subsequently, a survey was conducted to explore the differences in immersion among audiences with varying educational backgrounds, and another one examined the relationship between design factors and immersion in online exhibitions, using five dimensions of immersion: focused attention, temporal dissociation, transportation, emotional involvement, and enjoyment. A total of 508 valid questionnaires were collected, and the data analysis methods included reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, intraclass correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA, and three-way ANOVA. The results of the study are as follows: (1) University groups performed better in emotional involvement and enjoyment compared to high school groups ; (2) Online exhibitions with better visual aesthetics are more conducive to enhance users' emotional involvement and enjoyment ; (3) The better the combination of interaction design and content in online exhibitions, the more they can attract users' attention and enhance emotional involvement ; (4) The better the combination of content and visual aesthetics in online exhibitions, the more effectively users' attention can be attracted, and emotional involvement and enjoyment can be enhanced accordingly. Finally, based on the data results, recommendations are provided for Taiwanese modern art museums, serving as a reference for online exhibition developers and researchers in related fields.藝術類博物館後疫情線上展示沈浸感Art museumsPost-pandemicOnline exhibitionsImmersion現代美術館線上展覽之探究The exploration on online exhibitions in modern art museums學術論文