陳世文Shih-Wen Chen2022-05-162022-05-162021-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115896「探究與實作」是十二年國教自然科學領域強調之科學素養,亦是學校主要的科學課程。為提升教師「探究與實作」的教學知能,許多學校紛紛辦理增能研習或工作坊,增進教師對於「探究與實作」意涵與做法的了解。不過「探究與實作」蘊涵多元科學哲學觀點的深層思辨,欲深入認識「探究與實作」,有需要從不同科學哲學觀點中窺知其義。循此,本文嘗試從邏輯實證論、否證論以及科學歷史觀等主要科學哲學觀點探討十二年國教自然科學「探究與實作」之意涵,提出其對科學教學之啟示,促進教師對「探究與實作」之科學哲學觀點及其教學取徑之理解,作為「探究與實作」課程教學之實踐參考。"Inquiry and Practice" is not only the important science curriculum but also the significant scientific literacy emphasized in 12-Year National Education. Many schools have carried out in-service teacher training programs to help teachers enhance their pedagogical content knowledge toward "Inquiry and Practice". However, the nature of "Inquiry and Practice" actually involves the argumentations of philosophy of science. To further figure out the significance of "Inquiry and Practice", it is worthwhile to explore its meaning from various perspectives of philosophy of science. Therefore, this paper aims to shed light on the meaning of "Inquiry and Practice" from the perspectives of philosophy of science: Vienna Circle's logical positivism, Karl Popper's falsification, and Kuhn's scientific paradigm. Meanwhile, some implications on science teaching would be proposed to help science teachers understand that the nature of "Inquiry and Practice" closely connects with the argumentations of various philosophy of science, which aims to lead to science teachers have a deeper understanding and an effective implementation in their "Inquiry and Practice" lessons.十二年國教科學課程科學哲學探究與實作12-year national educationscience curriculumphilosophy of sciencescientific inquiry從科學哲學觀點探討十二年國教科學課程「探究與實作」之意涵Exploring the Meaning of "Inquiry and Practice" in 12- Year National Science Curriculum from the Perspectives of Philosophy of Science