程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu鍾月圓Chung,Yueh-Yuan2019-09-052014-7-42019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099312113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107577本研究為瞭解臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手人口背景、參與動機與阻礙因素的現況,並比較不同背景變項的選手在參與動機與阻礙因素的差異情形。透過問卷調查,總計得到521份有效問卷。再以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關進行統計分析。研究結果發現: 一、臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手大致以「男生」選手居多,「五年級」選手所佔的人數比例較高,參與代表隊年資以「一年以上未滿二年」的選手人數最多,每週訓練的時間以「八小時以上」者居多,「排球」則為目前人數最多的運動項目。 二、不同「性別」及「參加運動代表隊項目」的臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手,在參與動機上有顯著差異,男生在「社會需求」及「成就需求」因素高於女生,田徑項目選手在「健康與發展」因素的參與動機高於游泳項目選手。 三、不同「就讀年級」的臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手在阻礙因素上有顯著差異,六年級選手在「團隊支持」與「外在環境阻礙」因素上的阻礙程度大於五年級選手。 四、臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手參與動機與阻礙因素之間有顯著的低度負相關,且不同項目也呈現低度負相關,田徑項目之參與動機與阻礙因素之相關性最高,游泳項目次之,排球項目最低。This study aimed to understand the current status of backgrounds, participation motives and constraints of elementary school sport team players in Taipei city, and to compare the differences of participation motives and constraints between players with different background variables. There were 521 effective questionnaire. The data gathered was statistically analyzed with descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Schaffer’s method and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Male players; studying in grade five; above 1 but under 2 years of participation; over 8 training hours a week; and playing volleyball consisted the largest part of elementary school sport team players in Taipei. 2. There were significant differences found on participation motives between players of different sex and sport events. “Social needs” and “needs of achievement” played better roles in males’ participation than in females’; track and field players had better participation motives than swimmers under the factor “health and development.” 3. There were significant differences found on constraints between players in different grades. 6-grade players have larger constraints under “team support” and “environmental impact” than 5-grade players. 4. There was significantly low non-relevance between participation motives and constraints of elementary school sport team players in Taipei city, and there’s also non-relevance between different variables. The highest relevance between participation motives and constraints lain in field event; swimming, the second; volleyball, the lowest.運動代表隊參與動機阻礙因素sport teamparticipation motivesconstraints臺北市國民小學運動代表隊選手參與動機與阻礙因素之研究A Study on Participation Motives and Constraints of Elementary School Sports Team Players in Taipei City