方紫薇陳學志佘曉清蘇嘉鈴Tzu-Wei FangHsueh-Chih ChenHsiao-Ching SheChia-Ling Su2014-10-272014-10-272011-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11623本研究旨在探討正向情緒及幽默對學生在科學問題解決時的成績表現、認知評估與事後情緒之影響。本研究針對國中生進行調查研究,共施測318位八年級學生,男生166 位、女生152 位。經進行t檢定及多變量變異數之統計分析後,研究結果顯示,在油醋分離之問題解決題目上,高正向情緒者在科學問題解決之成績表現、有趣程度之認知評估及事後之正向情緒,皆顯著高於低正向情緒者;在事後負向情緒上則顯著低於低正向情緒者。在鐵棒戳紙題目方面,高正向情緒者認知評估之挑戰、有趣、容易之分數,以及事後正向情緒皆顯著高於低正向情緒者。幽默版本激起之正向情緒是有比原始版本高。但幽默版本與原始版本在科學問題解決上之成績表現、認知評估與事後情緒上皆未達顯著差異。本研究可提供教師教學之參考,即如何營造正向情緒的學習氛圍及環境,來促進科學問題解決能力之學習。This study investigates whether emotions and humor can influence science problem-solving performance, cognitive appraisal, and emotion after the event. This study conducts a survey of 318 junior high school students (166 Male and 152 Female). The statistical methods used to analyze the data are t test and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The results of this study are as follows: (1) When solving the scientific problem of Oil and Vinegar Separation, students with high positive emotions had superior science problem-solving performance, interest appraisal, and positive emotions after the event compared to students with low positive emotions; however, they experienced lower negative emotion after the event than low positive emotion students did; and (2) when solving the scientific problem of Can the Iron Bar Pierce the Paper, students with high positive emotions reported higher scores of cognitive appraisal (interest and difficulty) and positive emotion after the event, compared to students with low positive emotions. Additionally, humorous items produced more positive emotions compared to non-humorous items. However, no differences existed between the influence of humorous items and non-humorous items on science problem-solving performance, cognitive appraisal, and emotion after the event.正負向情緒幽默科學問題解決認知評估positive and negative emotionhumorscience problem solvingcognitive appraisal正向情緒及幽默有助於國中生之科學問題解決嗎?Whether Positive Emotions and Humor Can Improve the Science Problem-Solving Performance of Adolescents