陳美玉2014-10-272014-10-271999-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/4878     新任教師的社會化與專業經驗,會深遠的影響日後的專業發展取向與態度,新任教師階段乃是專業生涯發展的關鍵期。新任教師不管是在身心、認知與專業等層面的發展特性,以及所遭遇的問題,都與一般的經驗教師極為不同,皆需要教育行政單位及學校設立有效的支持系統,協助新任教師過渡此生涯發展階段中,充滿挫折而較無法有所發揮的存活 /適應時期。先進國家則透過導入教育的規劃,協助新任教師專業適應與發展,其中最常採用的包括:專業成長工作坊、同儕教練及教徒制的設置、經驗教師教學的觀察等,都是被證明相當可行而且有效的導入活動,皆值得作為我國新任教師專業成長規劃、以及設置支持系統之參考。本文亦從生涯發展的觀點,提出新任教師在專業發展上的規劃,應同時考量學科知識的充實、教學與輔導知能的提升、更高學歷及學分的取得、研習活動選擇、興其他個殊需求的滿足等,以實現教師終身學習與發展的目標。     The professional socialization and experiences of novice teachers will influence the attitude of teachers professional development. Clearly, the development of the novice teachers is critical. The developmental features and problems of novice teachers are different from experienced teachers. Therefore, the supportive systems for novice teachers are necessary that will help novice teachers professional development successfully. Some countries, such as American and United Kingdom, adopted inductive education to assist the professional adaptation and development of novice teachers. The experimental studies proved the professional development workshops, peer coaching, apprenticement, and teaching observing are effective inductive programs. These programs are all valuable as the references for schools in Taiwan. This paper also adopted the viewpoint of career development and provided some suggestions for novice teachers, included to improve subject knowledge, approve the capacities of teaching and counseling, get higher degree and more credits, select the professional growth activities and satisfy the personal professional need, in order to attain the goal of life-long professional learning and growth.新任教師專業發展導入教育新任教師專業發展之探討