李和莆Lee, Wen-Pin Hope葉穎Yeh, Ying2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060493001M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111993在有限的人生裡,變化才是不變的真理。過去一年來,經歷親人離世、感情猝變、身體各種病痛,對未來的徬徨,跌落谷底之時不禁莞爾——這一切,還能再更糟嗎? 無常是生命的本質,無人能免,在這些情非得已的境況,若能用更有幽默感的眼光去看待一切,或許才是為自己開脫的方式。此次創作以《無常是日常幽默》為題,自勉勉人,希望在瞬息萬變的漂蕩世間,求得一絲安穩與依傍。 從《西藏生死書》裡,探討生滅、覺察一切有為法如夢幻泡影;《小王子》,則受到法國原著《小王子》和詩人羅智成在新書《迷宮書店》,翻寫《小王子》的章節啟發,刻畫玫瑰與小王子的幸與不幸;《幻之光》則因觀賞完日本導演是枝裕和(Koreeda Hirokazu)的電影作品《幻之光》有所體悟,寫出渺小眾生的無可奈何、活在一片灰藍色天空。 作品受到電影、文學、藝術、生活啟發,中心思想漸趨清晰,因此以《無常是日常幽默》為題,將生而為人所體會的價值、脆弱與愛蒐集成歌,在演出中完整呈現。In a limited life, change is the unchanged truth. Over the past year, I experienced my family member’s death, the disappearance of loved ones, the anxiety about the future, and physical pain and illness. During the depressing time, I wondered whether it would be worse? Impermanence is the essence of life, no one can be free from this. Perhaps handling with everything with a sense of humor is the only way to feel better. My compositions based on the notion of “everyday humor of impermanence”, attempt to comfort everyone including myself to seek the stability and the sense of security in the ever-changing drift world. Observing the dreamy shadow, the death and the birth in “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying,” and inspired by the French Original “The Little Prince” and the poem in the "Labyrinth Bookstore" written by poet Luo Zhicheng, I characterize the happiness and misery of Little Prince. After watching “Maborosi,” a Japanese movie directed by Koreeda Hirokazu, I wrote the song “Illusion of Light” to describe the helplessness of sentient beings, living under a gray blue sky. Influenced by the film, literature, art, and life, the central view of my work becomes clear. Therefore, I center around the idea of “everyday humor of impermanence” and collect the thoughts about being a human, the fragile moments, and the loving memories, transforming all these to my songs, and expressing them completely in the performance.nonenone《無常是日常幽默》之創作與詮釋研究The Analysis and Interpretation of the everyday humor of impermanence