籃玉如博士Yu-Ju Lan, Ph. D.魏路貞Nuning Catur Sri Wilujeng2019-08-282018-8-132019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060185015I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85335本研究的目的有三:(1)瞭解學生利用創作漫畫活動於華語學習的態度;(2)探究學生利用獨立與合作模式創作漫畫活動於中文學習的成效;以及(3)探究學生對利用合作創作漫畫活動於華語學習的態度。本研究採用準實驗設計,研究對象為印尼日惹祟德三語國民學校五年級三個班級的學生,隨機分成三組:對照組為紙本個人漫畫創作組、實驗組1為線上個人漫畫創作組、實驗組2為線上合作漫畫創作組。本研究同時蒐集與分析質與量的資料,包括漢語詞彙的學習成效測驗、筆記和課堂錄影。本實驗假設為:實驗2組的表現將優於其他兩組,而實驗組1組將比對照組有較好的表現。依據學生的態度反應,這兩組實驗組的表現優於對照組,然而實驗2組也比另外實驗組有更佳的成效。This research aims to 1) investigate the improvement of CFL elementary-school students’ skill in learning Mandarin Chinese vocabulary through creating comic without online resources, creating online comics individually and collaboratively, 2) investigate the CFL elementary-school students’ attitude towards the application of comics in learning Mandarin Chinese vocabulary, and 3) investigate the CFL elementary-school students’ attitude towards the application of collaborative activities in learning Mandarin Chinese vocabulary. The research design is based on a quasi-experiment using both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect and analyze data. Three classes participated in this study: one class was the control group using text-based instruction where students work individually on a cartoon without online resources; the other two classes were the experimental groups 1 and 2. In the experimental group 1, students work individually on online comic whereas in the experimental group 2, students work collaboratively on online comic. All participants are Grade 5 students of Budi Utama Multilingual School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The collected and analyzed data included performances on Chinese vocabulary, in-class observation, video, questionnaires, and interview. In Mandarin Chinese vocabulary performances, the experimental group 2 outperformed the other two groups and the experimental group 1 performed better than the control group. In the students’ attitude, the two experimental groups behaved more positively than the control group, and the experimental group 2 behaved more positively than the other groups.線上漫畫創作以華語為外語合作學習電腦輔助合作學習科技促進語言學習online comicMandarin Chinesecollaborative learningcomputer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)technology enhanced language learning (TELL)線上詞彙華語漫畫教學研究: 以印尼日惹祟德三語國民學校之個案研究為例Online Comic in Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary Teaching: A Case Study of Budi Utama Multilingual School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia