許書瑋Hsu, Shu-Wei詹子霆Chan, Tzu-Ting2022-06-082021-07-302022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8f31ea54fcdd6716b5fd245f61594dcf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118598在職場人生中「不抱怨」無法實際解決問題,壓抑情緒可能讓一些人更容易產生憂鬱,工作者透過抱怨得到心理滿足或是從中獲得實際的解決方法,也讓抱怨者的負面情緒找到出口。然而,並非每一次的抱怨結果都會如抱怨者所預期,該如何達到預期抱怨結果,除了抱怨者本身因素外,傾聽者的重要性也不容小覷。本研究以半結構訪談法進行質性研究,搜集工作者分享自身傾聽者條件的篩選及抱怨職場中不愉快的案例,統整出12項傾聽者的選擇條件,並歸納為四種挑選對象之動機,包括:事前能有充分了解、當下得到心理滿足、事後協助問題解決、事後避免惹上麻煩,最後依照抱怨後的結果整理出抱怨者的後續行為,期望可以提供工作者往後在挑選傾聽者時能更準確找到符合其抱怨需求的傾聽對象,增加抱怨成功的機率。In everyone’s career,"not complaining" cannot actually solve problems. By depressing emotions may make some people more prone to depression. Workers get psychological satisfaction through complaints or obtain practical solutions from them, which also allows complainers to find an outlet for their negative emotions. However, not every result of the complaint will be as expected by the complainant. In addition to the complainant's own factors, the importance of the listener is also very significant for how to achievethe expected complaint result. This study uses a semi-structured interview method to conduct a qualitative study, collects the cases of workers sharing their complaints about unpleasant cases in the workplace. The study sorts out 12 listeners' selection requirements, and summarizes them into four complaints motives, including having a full understanding beforehand, getting psychological satisfaction at the moment of complaining, obtaining solutions or receiving help afterwards, and avoiding troubles afterwards. Finally, according to the results of the complaint, the follow-up behavior of the complainant is sorted out, and it is hoped that the worker can more accurately find the listener in line with the complaint motive when selecting the listener in the future, and increase the probability of complaining success.抱怨職場傾聽者complaintworkplacelistener抱怨使我們更好:抱怨的對象挑選與後續行為Complaints that propel us forward: Who we complain to and what we do after making a complaint學術論文