國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所Lin, Janet Mei-ChuenWu, Cheng-Chih2014-10-302014-10-302002-10-01188-009-446-0http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34629The purpose of this research is to tailor the design of ICT training material to the needs of Chinese language arts teachers such that the training they receive will be conducive to effective integration of ICT into instruction. Eighteen experienced teachers participated in a Delphi-like survey that comprised a series of four questionnaires. They were asked to describe the professional tasks they routinely performed. Their responses were compiled into a list of 90 task items. Each item was then associated with one or more hardware/software tools that teachers need to learn to perform that task more productively. A restructuring process reduced the total number of items to 67. There will be one training unit developed for each of the 67 items, with each covering certain hardware and software features that we specified. We have developed six training units in the tryout phase with the help from five teachers. These units are characterized by their subject-specific contents.Designing ICT training material for Chinese language arts teachers