國立臺灣師範大學英語學系張妙霞2015-01-292015-01-292002-06-011021-6006http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44149本文探討台灣閩南話口語對話中指示詞「按呢」(anne)的言談功能。所採用語料長度兩小時,共計394例「按呢」。結果顯示,「按呢」用法包括:一、基本指示詞語義;二、言談結構功能;三、互動功能;四、句尾助詞。在句子的局部層次上,「按呢」具有強調緊臨述語的訊息內容的功能。當出現於子句交界處時,「按呢」標示子句間推論,連續,或因果的關係。當「按呢」出現在某言談單位的起始或結束處時,分別具有引介及結束該言談話題的功能。當出現在答覆句時,「按呢」主要表達話者對前一談話者言談內容的注意,因此主要為互動功能。這些不同層次的功能及不同層次的語義的變化顯示「按呢」在某些情境下已由一指示詞虛化為一言談詞。This study investigates the use of anne in spontaneous Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) conversations. The analysis is based on a 2-hour corpus of spoken TSM. The results have demonstrated the descent of anne from a lexical element to a textual or interactional element on the one hand, and a semantically void particle on the other. Within the clause level, it plays a scope limiting function that renders an adjacent predicate the focal center. At the clause boundary position, anne marks inferential, sequential or causal/consequential relationships. As anne is situated at the border of a unit of talk, it wraps up a preceding part of talk or introduces a unit of talk. The occurrence of anne in a reply position occasions the function of anne in the interactional plane. Furthermore, some grammaticalization effects concerning semantic bleaching are witnessed and demonstrate the evolution of a deictic anne to a discourse particle.指示詞言談分析臺灣閩南話語法化 Deictic termDiscourse analysisTaiwanese southern minGrammaticalization臺灣閩南話Anne的言談功能Discourse Functions of Anne in Taiwanese Southern Min