周堅中Jian-Zhong Joe Zhou ,   Emily Merrifield ,   Sarah Davis2020-09-032020-09-032019-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108974加州州立大學薩克拉門託大學圖書館(CSUS)於2015 與2016 學年度期間對全校教師進行了2015 年Ithaka S + R 問卷調查,該調查詢問教師們的信息搜尋行為以及他們如何使用圖書館提供的服務。CSUS 的圖書館員使用Ithaka S + R 問卷調查研究教師對圖書館的期望與對圖書館目前提供的內容之間的認知與使用是否存在差距,以及可以採取哪些措施來改善圖書館對教師教學和研究的支持。其後三年,大學圖書館在其部門職能,網絡平台,館員參考和指導服務,圖書館員和管理人員職位調整,以及與其他大學部門學術交流和研究服務方面的合作關係方面實施了一系列變革。本文進一步比較CSUS 教師與全美國教師平均水平的異同。本研究為罕見的長時間案例研究,涵蓋了大學圖書館三年來以Ithaka S + R 教師調查結果為出發點所做的各項重大改變。During the 2015/16 academic year, the University Library at California State University, Sacramento(CSUS) administered the 2015 Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey to its faculty. The survey asked faculty abouttheir information‐seeking behaviors and how they were using the services offered by their library.Librarians at CSUS used the responses to determine whether there were gaps between facultymembers’ perceptions of the library and what the library currently offered and what changes could bemade to improve library support of faculty teaching and research. As a result, the University Libraryimplemented a number of changes in its departments, web presences, reference and instructionservices, librarian and management staff positions, and partnerships in scholarly communication and research service. The responses of both surverys were also compared to see how CSUS faculty differedfrom the national average. This is a rare case study covering significant changes made over three yearsat a university library in response to the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey results.大學圖書館問卷調查教師教學與研究信息尋求行為教師對大學圖書館的認知和使用大學圖書館戰略規劃圖書館在教學和研究中的作用Academic Library SurveysFaculty Information Seeking BehaviorsFacultyLibrary Perceptions and UseLibrary Strategic PlanningThe Role of the Libraryin Teaching and Research教師信息搜尋行為之Ithaka S + R 問卷調查:以加州州立大學薩克拉門託大學圖書館為例Faculty Information-Seeking Behaviors:The 2015 Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey atCalifornia State University, Sacramento