吳正己Wu, Cheng-Chih許瀞尹Hsu, Ching-Yin2019-08-292017-09-012019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060008024E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92711本研究應用擴增實境技術讓學生在閱讀電腦教科書的同時,可以讀取歷史 人物影片。希望透過此種方式結合紙本教科書與影音媒體,藉以提高學生的學 習興趣及學習成效。本研究以「電腦網路」發展史為主,發展了十三個歷史人 物影片教材,學生透過平板電腦掃瞄教材上的歷史人物圖片,即可觀看出現在 圖片上栩栩如生的人物影片。學習活動的評估採準實驗研究法,參與者為新北 市某公立高中二年級學生,兩班共計八十四人,實驗組透過擴增實境方式讀取 歷史人物影片,控制組採傳統教師講述式教學。評估的範圍包括學生的學習成 就、學習態度、科學史思維、以及對擴增實境學習活動之看法。 研究結果顯示, 使用擴增實境連結歷史人物影片,有助於提升學生的學習成就及學習態度,學生也認為此種方式對讀取歷史人物影片很方便。建議未來可依本研究的教材設計方式繼續發展其他單元主題的電腦科學史人物影片,並應用擴增實境方式幫助學生讀取。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teaching history of computing with videos of historical figures. Augmented reality (AR) techniques were applied to assist students access the video of a historical figure while reading a printed textbook. Whenever a student was interested in a historical figure, he could use a tablet PC to scan his/her picture and the corresponding video would then be played on the screen. Thirteen historical figures in computer network were selected to create the videos. We adopted a quasi-experimental method to evaluate the effectiveness of the AR-based learning materials. Two classes of senior high school students, with a total of 84 students, participated in the experiment. One class of the students used Tablet PCs to access the videos of historical figures; the other class serving as the control group using traditional didactic instruction. Our findings showed that the AR-based video of historical figures helped student comprehend content and promoted the student's attitudes toward learning history of computing. Students appreciated the convenience of using AR techniques to access the video of historical figures. Future research should develop more video of historical figures, and different type of student.電腦科學史歷史人物影片擴增實境History of computingHistorical figuresVideosAugmented Reality歷史人物影片應用於高中電腦科學史教學Teaching high school computer science with videos of historical figures