施致平Chin-Pin Shih劉漢賢Han-Hsien Liu2019-09-052010-2-132019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695310250%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107716電玩遊戲出現至今已逾40年,隨著硬體設備的進步與軟體研發的多元化,各類型遊戲陸續出現,而運動類型的遊戲長期皆為遊戲廠商努力經營的市場,網路環境逐漸成熟的今日,線上遊戲發展亦呈爆炸性成長,近年隨休閒類型線上遊戲當道,遊戲廠商無法忽視此市場的潛力,自中華職棒取得授權,推出職棒類型之線上遊戲,如此現實與虛擬間的合作模式激發本研究之研究動機。本研究目的為探討參與職棒類型線上遊戲玩家之參與動機,與其在進行遊戲後,對中華職棒的態度及相關商品的消費動機,並對兩者進行相關性的驗證。本研究採網路問卷方式施行,回收748份有效問卷,有效回收率達98.55%。所得資料經描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、MANOVA、Scheffe事後考驗法與典型相關法後,得知研究結果為: 一、中華職棒所授權之遊戲有其獨特性與市場話題,目前卻無國內廠商專門製作此類型遊戲,而以引進國外遊戲為主。 二、學生族群為此類遊戲的主要玩家,遊戲選擇以「全民打棒球」的玩家為最多。 三、遊戲頻次上,以每天數次,每次遊戲時間為三小時以內為多。 四、男性、平均月薪10,000元以下的學生族群較願意參與此類遊戲,遊戲參與動機越強烈的玩家,則其每月遊戲消費額與遊戲頻次越高,有參與後援會的玩家,其認同感之動機,明顯高於無參與者;年齡較小、平均月薪10,000元以下的學生族群較願意針對職棒進行消費行為,研究結果亦顯示,每月遊戲商品消費額越高的人,其職棒消費意願越高。 五、職棒類型線上遊戲玩家其遊戲參與動機與職棒消費動機上確實存在相關性,玩家的遊戲參與動機越強烈,則其對職棒消費意願的可能性就越大。 根據研究結果,發現中華職棒聯盟與職棒類型遊戲廠商兩者間有密切之關連性,若能相互進行合作,發揮彼此在虛擬與現實通路中的優勢,即可在行銷、推廣上達成雙贏的局面。Video games have developed for 40 years. With progressing of hardware and diversifing of software, various games are published one after another, and the sport-like games always are the important markets of the game companies.When the network and internet have become mature nowaday, the internet or network games also are robust. The leasure internet game became hot in recent years. So the game companies can not ignore this potential. They cooperated with CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League) and published several professional baseball online games. This cooperation mode between the reality and the virtual encouraged this study. The purpose of this study was to examine players’ participative motivation in the professional baseball type online game and the attitude and purchase motivation toward professional baseball league product after gaming. The study also has examined the correlation among them. The method in this research was a survey on the web-site and 748 samples were involved. The retrieving percentage reached 98.55%. The data were analyzed by statistic tools, such as descriptive statistic, independent-sample t test, MANOVA, Scheffe post-hoc comparisons analysis and canonical correlation analysis, the results of this study were showed below: 1. The major professional baseball league in Taiwan was CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League). The CPBL authorized game was a unique marketing topic, but there were no Taiwan companies involved through. 2. The background characteristics of the gamers were similar to the spectators of CPBL, and the students were still the major customer. 3. The game “BBonline” was chosen by most gamers. Gamers used to play several times a day and each game time was below 3 hours. 4. Masculine, the average monthly salary NT 10,000, following student tribal was willing to participate in this kind of game. And the much significant motivation, the more gaming frequency and game product consumption per month. People who were CPBL team member had much more motivation on the recognition But only part of the variables of demographic had significant differences on consumer motivation of CPBL, and these were age, educational level, salaries per month, expenditure on the game product consumption per month, and wherther the CPBL team member or not. 5. The game participative motivation had significant correlation with the consumer motivation of CPBL product. According to the findings, discovered that the CPBL alliance and professional baseball type game manufacturer both had close correlational, if can carry on the cooperation mutually, displays each other in hypothesized and the realistic circuit's superiority, then in the marketing, the promotion achieves the win-win aspect.職棒類型線上遊戲參與動機職棒消費動機professional baseball online gameparticipative motivationconsumer motivation of CPBL product職棒類型線上遊戲玩家其參與動機與職棒消費動機相關性之研究The Study of the Relationships between Professional Baseball Online Game Players’ Motivation and Consumer Motivation of CPBL