張國恩博士宋曜廷博士籃玉如博士Kuo-an ChangYao-ting SungYu-ju Lan鄭佳君Chia-chun Cheng2019-08-292016-8-252019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698080131%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93062第二語言寫作研究指出,寫作構思策略在寫作過程中,不但具有不可或缺的重要性,而且還有改善寫作品質及寫作長度的潛能。然而,結合英語合作寫作構思策略與行動科技的相關實證研究,仍相當缺乏。因此,本研究旨在探討結合行動科技與英語合作寫作構思策略,對於EFL學習者早期英語讀寫能力及寫作動機的影響。 本研究採準實驗研究法,分為兩個實驗。研究工具包括「早期英語閱讀能力測驗」、「英語寫作能力測驗」、「英語寫作動機量表」,以及「行動科技輔助合作構思寫作活動回顧問卷」。研究對象為5個班級,共140名國小學生。前後測的量化分析方法為二因子混合共變數分析,以探討實驗處理對參與者L2讀寫能力及寫作動機的影響。回顧問卷、錄影帶資料及課堂觀察紀錄,則進行質性分析,並予以分類。 研究結果顯示,使用行動科技輔助合作寫作構思策略教學的實驗組在閱讀能力、寫作品質、寫作長度、及寫作動機方面,均顯著優於控制組的傳統紙本教學,而且與控制組相比,行動科技組也出現顯著較多的學習行為,以及較為理想的合作寫作模式。另外,學生的讀寫表現和寫作動機,會因採用不同的行動科技輔助合作寫作構思策略,而有差別;而不同的寫作構思策略,也會對不同程度學生的讀寫表現與寫作動機,產生不同的影響。 總結而言,本研究希望提出一個讓EFL寫作初學者,能利用行動科技和合作寫作構思策略,進行合作寫作的有效教學模式。此外,本研究希望能提供教師實際的寫作教學建議,使其能根據不同的寫作學習目標以及學生的程度,選擇適合的寫作構思策略,進行英語寫作教學。Research in second language writing has suggested the necessity of prewriting strategy instruction in the writing process and its potential to improve both writing quality and quantity of EFL writers. However, studies which have empirically documented the effects of different prewriting strategies with the combination of cooperative learning and mobile technology are scant. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to explore the effect of mobile-supported cooperative prewriting strategy instruction on EFL elementary school students’ early L2 literacy and writing motivation. This study adopted a quasi-experiment design and conducted two experiments, involving three English reading ability tests, two English writing tests, an English writing motivation scale, and an after-treatment questionnaire. Five intact classes of 140 elementary school students participated in the study. The quantative analysis of test results was conducted through two-way mixed design analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to determine the intervention on participants’ L2 literacy and writing motivation. Qualitative data of participants’ learning behaviors and cooperative patterns were videotaped, observed carefully and categorized. Results of this study showed that the mobile group significantly outperformed the traditional paper-and-pencil-based group in reading ability, writing quality, writing quantity, and writing motivation, and it also performed more learning-related behaviors and more ideal cooperative writing patterns. Another finding wasthat the adoption of different mobile-supported cooperative prewriting strategies may have different effects on students’ L2 literacy, writing motivation, learning behaviors, and cooperative patterns, and this was true of students of different proficiency levels. To conclude, this study may be of importance in proposing an effective writing instruction model for EFL young beginning writers with the support of prewriting strategies, cooperative learning and mobile technology. It also provides some pedagogical implications for EFL teachers to adopt different prewriting strategies based on students’ proficiency levels and different learning goals.行動科技輔助合作寫作早期L2讀寫能力英語寫作動機寫作構思策略教學mobile-supported cooperative writingearly L2 literacyEnglish writing motivationprewriting strategy instruction行動科技輔助合作寫作構思策略對國小學生早期英語讀寫能力之影響The Effect of Mobile-supported Cooperative Prewriting Strategy Instruction on Early L2 Literacy of Elementary School Students in Taiwan