陳瓊花博士Jo Chiung-Hua Chen徐瑞昌Jui-Chang Hsu2020-12-102006-7-112020-12-102006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092603006%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114818本研究之出發點乃研究者觀察到目前的教學趨勢(美術教師多採用資訊科技融入教學)與美術教室現場所產生的問題而出發,故研究對象以某臺北市立普通高中二年級學生為母群,共計總人數565人。本研究之研究工具有二,一為問卷,二為晤談大綱。主要藉由問卷了解學生之學習狀況,再藉由晤談大綱探討影響學生學習因素層面之分析。 本研究的資料分析,在量化資料使用次數分配、平均數、標準差及百分比進行統計分析,呈現資訊科技融入美術教學學生學習狀況之不同面向。質性資料由「影響學生學習因素分析」進行探討,最後本研究獲致重要的結論摘要如下: 一、資訊科技融入美術教學,學生學習的反應狀況: (一)學生對資訊科技融入美術教學整體評價良好。 多數學生對資訊科技融入美術教學抱持正面的態度,普遍樂於接受資訊科技融入美術的教學方式,學生認為能夠引起學習興趣及擁有良好的學習成效。並補充前人之研究:以高中生為研究對象,同樣可以更接近教學理想。 (二)不同領域與教材屬性各有不同的學習反應情形。 資訊科技融入美術教學在四個不同領域與教材屬性中,學生認為鑑賞領域動態教材、鑑賞領域靜態教材與創作領域靜態教材均能帶來學習興趣,並且能獲得較佳之學習成效。在創作領域靜態教材裡,學生認為創作的運用需要轉化(嘗試、練習),才能符合創作的需求。 二、資訊科技融入美術教學的過程中,影響學生學習的因素: 本研究發現資訊科技融入美術教學的過程中,影響學生學習的因素有以下十項:直觀反應、主觀意識、學習認知、過去經驗、概念掌握、互動關係、自我嘗試、工作難度、考試壓力與實用課程等十項影響因子。 最後根據研究發現,研究者針對資訊科技融入美術的實際教學、未來相關的研究方向與美術教學相關單位提出具體建議。The starting point of this research was to observe the present art teaching trend used by most art teachers—fine arts teaching infused with information technology and the problems it instigated in the classroom. A total of 565 juniors in a Taipei municipal senior high school served as the population of the research. Two methods were adapted—one was the questionnaire to understand the students’ learning conditions and the other was the interview to analyze the factors influencing the students’ learning. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires adopted frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and percentage to present the students’ different learning domains under the fine arts teaching infused with information technology. The qualitative research of the interviews focused on elements that shaped the students’ learning. The results of this study were summarized as follows: I. The responses of the students’ learning under the fine arts instruction infused with information technology 1. The students’ evaluation on the art teaching infused with information technology was positive. Most of the students held upbeat attitudes and were willing to accept this new teaching method. They believed it could arouse their learning interest and lead to good learning results. 2. Different learning responses existed between various domains and materials. Under the four domains in the fine arts teaching infused with information technology, the students thought appreciation of animated material, appreciation of static material, creation of animated material all brought learning interest and resulted in improved learning conditions. However, creation of static material required transformation through experimentation and practice to meet creative needs. II. Factors affecting the students’ learning under the fine arts teaching infused with information technology According to the result of the study, there were ten factors influencing the students’ learning under the process of the fine arts teaching infused with information technology: direct response, subjective viewpoint, learning cognition, past experience, concept control, interaction, self-experimentation, difficulty of assignment, pressure of tests from other subjects and practicality of courses. In conclusion, the researcher proposes some practical suggestions for fine arts teaching infused with information technology, further studies, and fine arts teaching authorities.資訊科技融入教學美術教育學習興趣學習成效teaching infused with information technologyfine arts teachinglearning interestlearning effect資訊科技融入教學之研究-以高中美術為例A Study of Fine Arts Teaching Infused with Information Technology—A Case Study of Fine Arts in Senior High