李其鴻柯佳伶洪偉豪陳國川Qi-Hong LeeJia-Ling KeWoei-Haur HorngKuo-Chuan Chen2016-05-062016-05-062015-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78380現行九年一貫課程綱要中,海洋教育雖為七項重大議題之一,惟國內中小學學生普遍缺乏海洋素養。因此,本研究企圖透過地理實察,塑造海洋教育課程綱要中,較不易完成的「親海」教學情境。藉由連續三年舉辦海岸實察工作坊,以九年級學生作為研究對象,實施海洋教育課程,同時觀察學生表現與歸納學生回饋,從而調整教學設計,建構可行的教學模式。研究發現,地理實察的實踐確能使學生達成海洋教育的能力指標,激發愛護鄉土的情操。此外,本研究從課程的實施及調整過程中發現,當教師減少講授、並引導學生自行完成實察活動與報告,將使學生的收穫較為豐碩。本研究認為,透過增加學生實作,不僅達到活化教學與有效教學之效益,提高學生的能力,亦使社會學習領域課程更加貼近實際生活。The Marine Education has been one of the 7 Important Issues included in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines of Taiwan after May of 2008, but junior high school and elementary school students are short of marine literacy generally. Therefore, this article aims to construct the teaching situation "to get close to the ocean" of the Curriculum Guidelines of Marine Education via geographical fieldwork. By holding workshops three consecutive years, research team observed behavior, induced feedback among ninth graders, and revised instruction gradually. Finally, research team constructed a practicable teaching model. The results showed that the practice of geographical :fieldwork certainly enabled students achieve the Competence Indicators of Marine Education, and aroused sentiment of hometown protection. In addition, when the teachers reduced didacti' instruction, the students could learned more from geographical fieldwork and oral representation. The findings suggested that the raise of the students' operation could get the benefits of dynamic and effective teaching, strengthen the ability of the students, and make Social Studies Learning Areas conform to real life.九年一貫社會學習領域重大議題海洋教育地理實察The Grade 1-9 Curriculum GuidelinesSocial Studies Learning AreasImportant IssuesMarine Educationgeographical fieldwork海洋教育融入鄉土地理實察課程的行動研究An Action Research on Marine EducationIntegrated into Field-Based HomelandGeography Curriculum