張柏舟洪大鈞2019-09-052026-05-212019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693630199%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103381所謂「漸層色彩」,是美的形式原理中的其中一環,是以漸層作為原理,以色彩作為形式,表現美感的規則。漸層色彩也可說是一門自然科學,因「光」的形成,讓世界充滿渾然天成的漸層色彩,光照射到物體,使物體呈現漸層的色彩,經過我們眼睛的接收後,了解立體感覺,這就是漸層色彩表現的基本原理。 漸層色彩在美的形式原理中,其論述只說明基本概念,筆者針對此項作研究創作,研究漸層色彩的形式原理及美感呈現,從相關書籍及視覺傳達設計作品分析後,由語意詮釋漸層色彩的三層說:色彩屬性層次、造形屬性層次、視覺效果層次,藉由著三層次的發現,可為將來從事漸層色彩創作者一個參考的依據。 在視覺傳達設計的領域中,首要學習的即是對美的敏銳度及判斷,學習美的形式原理,讓設計者本身有審美的概念並具備美學素養,才能創作出具「美」的作品,這要仰賴自身學習及閱讀豐富的相關論述,由本研究所探討出的漸層色彩原理,使這必然性的條件實現在視覺傳達設計的規則中。“Graduated color” is one of the rules in aesthetic feelings. Its principle is graduation. Its form is color. And it uses those to express the rules of aesthetic feelings. Graduated color also is one of the natural science because of the light makes the graduated colors full of the world. Light lets the methods express graduated colors. Be accepted by ours eyes, we can understand the feelings about the three-dimension, and that just is the basic principle of rules in graduated colors.  There are only the basic conception in the related theories among the aesthetic feelings’ rules of the Graduated color. This research is trying to introduce and create about the rules of aesthetic feelings in this item. Through these studies and works about the Visual Communication Design, we can find the three levels of Graduated color theories out. There are the part of the colors, models and visual effects. These can help creators who will be going to work among Graduated color to express.  In the field of visual communication, we have to learn the reception and judgement about the aesthetic feelings. That can help the designers to own the general ideas of appreciating the beauty, and aesthetic accomplishment. Then, they could create beautiful works. Through these studies and works about the Graduated color, we can make the absolute terms in the rules of the Visual Communication Design to come true.漸層色彩視覺傳達設計Graduated colorVisual Communication Design漸層色彩的語意詮釋在視覺傳達設計之應用與研究The application and study of Visual Communication Design with Graduated color analyzed by Semiotics