王瓊麗宋和興2020-12-102008-2-132020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094603224%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114898耶貢•席勒是奧地利維也納表現主義畫家,在1910年開始大量創作獨具個人特色的女性裸體畫。席勒的女性裸體畫大膽描繪出生殖器及少女自慰的動作,即使在現代,仍然特別引人注目。席勒在女性裸體畫中設置的觀看角度並不是要營造偷窺的氛圍,相反的,他企圖製造出觀看者彷彿身如其境的真實感,讓觀看者和作品之間沒有距離,當觀看者欣賞席勒的女性裸體畫時,是直接且強烈的接受模特兒身體所傳達的訊息,和模特兒形成一種對話形式,而不是觀看者單方面的窺視或入侵模特兒的身體。雖然席勒的女性裸體畫總是特別強調女性的性特徵,透露出濃厚的性愛與情色意味,但席勒無意在女性裸體畫表現出性慾的氛圍。席勒的最終目的,在於欲求表現人類真實本質的藝術理念,除了探索性的神秘,還意圖展現人類最自然的存在狀態。Egon Schiele, Austrian expressionist painter, started to create great amount of individual characteristic paintings of nude female figures in 1910. His nude paintings, boldly revealed female's sex organ and the masturbating actions of young girls, remain very eye-catching even in modern times. The viewing angle which Schiele set up in these works dis not mean to foster a peeking atmosphere. On the contrary, he intended to create a sense of reality which eliminated the distance between the viewers and the paintings. When viewers watch Schiele's nude paintings, they receive the strong messages which are delivered through models’ bodies. Instead of peeking or penetrating models bodies unilaterally, the viewers, therefore, form a communication with models in the form of dialogue. Although Schiele's nude paintings, always emphasizing female sexual features, are full of sexual and erotic implications, these works have no intention of suggesting a sexual desire atmosphere. Schiele's ultimate goals are to manifest the art aspiration of human nature, to explore the mystery of sex and to display the most natural existence of human beings.耶貢•席勒女性裸體畫性愛情色Egon Schielenude female figure paintingsexeroticism耶貢•席勒女性裸體畫之研究Egon Schiele’s Nude Female Figure Painting