林岳Yueh Lin2019-08-122019-08-122018-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81654戲劇教育是一門探討如何將戲劇應用於各種教育場域與面向的學問,其課程視戲劇既是教育的內容,同時也是教育的工具。本文探討如何藉由戲劇活動提供符合資優學生學習特性及需求之課程,並提供若干適宜應用之劇場活動,供相關領域教師參考應用。Drama education is a study of how to apply drama to a variety of educational fieldsand dimensions. In the curriculum, dramas are seen as both the content of education and a tool for education. This article explored how drama activities could help to provide a curriculum that meets the learning characteristics and needs of gifted students. The article also provided a number of suitable drama activities to teachers in related fieldsfor their reference and implementation.教育戲劇創作性戲劇教習劇場教育劇場應用劇場drama-in-educationcreative dramatheatre-in-educationeducational theatreapplied drama戲劇教育在資優教育之應用The Application of Drama Education in Gifted Education