蘇憲法曾孝德2020-12-102011-5-32020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603103%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115002摘 要 本論文以「原民素顏─達悟族圖像研究」做為研究標題,主旨在於以達悟族生存所仰賴的山海世界為研究範疇,從人文傳統的外在表象到心靈的內在意象,探討其尚未粉飾純真、平實最原始的素顏樣貌,並融合所見所聞的相關論著與繪畫理論,透過藝術創作的方式呈現,論文記述的輔助,傳達出達悟族人文珍貴的文化,進而抒發族群蘊藏內心底層的聲音,散發文化之美,使非同族群的社會觀者能夠更加重視與瞭解,同在一塊土地上,不同族群的文化樣貌,經由研究其族群的文 化歷史發展中的形成因素,再由藝術的方式表達出來,使觀者體悟更加深刻,也因了解過後,將站在不同以往角度欣賞達悟族之美。 本論文分為六章來分述: 第一章 緒論:敘述筆者的創作研究動機、目的、方法步驟,還有研究範圍。 第二章 台灣美術中的原住民圖像:分成三部份來探討,台灣美術中的原住 民文化發展及歷史上的角色演變、日治時期和台灣光復後時期的台灣原住民歷史發展及美術中的原住民圖像。 第三章 創作理論與基礎:從原始藝術、宗教與節慶祭典、社會心理學三方面作為探討創作主題的理論與基礎,以及對理念追尋的闡述。 第四章 創作內容、形式與技法:說明筆者創作的內容,創作的形式,使用之技法,和構圖之架構說明。 第五章 作品解析:分析在創作上所實踐的作品,其介紹與說明。 第六章 結論:研究與創作之結論及感想,更多的省思及期許。Abstract This thesis, entitled “Naked faces of the aboriginals – A Study of the Tao Image”, is focused in the research of the mountain and sea that are the center of the life of the Tao people in order to investigate their untainted, truthful and primal faces through understanding both the outer presentation of their humanistic tradition and their inner spiritual imagery. In addition, by merging related literature and theories of painting, the thesis also aims to express the valuable culture of the Tao people through artistic presentation assisted by thesis recording and thereby to express the voice of the people hidden deep in their souls, to transpire the beauty of their culture for the social observers of different ethnicities to better value and understand the cultures of the different peoples on this same piece of land. Through the research on the formative elements in the development of the Tao people’s cultural history and the artistic representation of the result, the thesis aims to deepen the understanding of the observers so they will appreciate the beauty of the Tao people from a different perspective. The thesis is divided into six chapters: Chapter I Foreword: The research motive, targets, methodology and scope of the thesis. Chapter II The images of the aboriginals in Taiwanese arts: Divided into three parts to explore the culture development of the aboriginals in Taiwanese arts and the change of their roles in history, the historical development of Taiwanese aboriginals during and after the Japanese Rule Era and the images of the aboriginals in Taiwanese arts. Chapter III Theories and basis of the creative work: Explore the theories and basis of the theme of the creative work from the aspects of primitive art, religion and festivals and social psychology and to elaborate on the author’s pursuit of ideal. Chapter IV Content, form and techniques of the creative work: Explain the content of the author’s creative work, its form, the techniques used and the structure of the composition. Chapter V Interpretation of the works: Analyze, introduce and explain the creatively implemented works by the author. Chapter VI Conclusion: The conclusion and reflections on the research and creative work as well as more soul-searching and expectations.達悟族圖像族群文化原住民原始藝術Tao peopleimageethnic cultureaboriginalsprimitive arts原民素顏-達悟族圖像研究Naked Faces of the Aboriginals – A Study of the Tao Image