林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing戴宇核Tai, Yu-Ho2019-08-282020-07-132019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060385007I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86204近年來,華語教學中的漢字教學愈來愈受到重視,不同的教學法與教學策略成為炙手可熱的研究議題,如何從初級開始培養學習者漢字之認讀與書寫能力,更是教師與研究者頗費思量的課題。 研究者以序列位置效果理論為基礎,導入漢字輸入與輸出途徑之模型,設計了兩種漢字教學策略──「讀音優先教學策略」與「書寫優先教學策略」。正因過去研究中未見探究漢字形音義教學時,應該先行「讀音」輸入亦或是先行「書寫」輸入,對於漢字的認讀或書寫能力能起到較大的助益,研究者隨將上述兩種於字本位模式框架下發展出的教學策略與傳統詞本位模式之教學方法導入研究設計,進行教學實徵研究。 本研究之實驗以菲律賓基督教靈惠學院177位八年級華裔與非華裔之初級華語學習者為對象,進行了教學與施測,統計分析了測驗數據後得到如下三個結論: 一、接受字本位教學模式的學習者,其漢字認讀與書寫能力之提升幅度皆大於詞本位教學模式的學習者。 二、施測結果與序列位置效果之初始效應理論相符,即「讀音優先組」之漢字認讀能力顯著優於其他組別;「書寫優先組」之漢字書寫能力顯著優於其他組別。 三、整體而言,菲律賓華裔學習者的漢字認讀與書寫能力顯著高於菲律賓裔學習者。 本研究成果能作為華語教師及研究人員於漢字實務教學上之參考。Recently, the method of teaching Chinese Characters has drawn great attention in the field of Chinese Teaching. Studies on different teaching methods and strategies have become hot research issues. How to improve the reading(recognition) and writing ability of students at primary level is considered greatly by teachers and researchers. Referring to the theory of serial position effect, this study introduced Chinese Characters input and output path models. At the same time, the teaching strategies were divided into two groups, that is, Pronunciation as priority group and Writing as priority group. There is no previous exploration on whether teaching pronunciation first or writing first can mostly benefit Chinese Characters’ reading(recognition) ability and(or) writing ability. Therefore, the researcher used the teaching strategies based on the two models as mentioned before as well as the traditional teaching method of sentence-based teaching to design the research and conduct the empirical research. The participants of this research were 177 beginning level learners of Chinese language, including Filipino-Chinese and non-Filipino-Chinese, in 8th grade at Grace Christian College, Philippines. After analyzing the data, three conclusions were obtained as follows: 1.The learners who accepted the character-based approach improved their ability of reading(recognition) and writing Chinese Characters more than those accepted sentence-based approach learners. 2.The results of this research consisted with the primary effect theory of serial position effect. The ability of Chinese Characters’ reading(recognition) of students in the Pronunciation as priority group was significantly higher than that of students in other groups. While the ability of Chinese Characters’ writing of students in Writing as priority group was significantly higher than that of students in other groups. 3.In general, the Filipino-Chinese students’ ability of reading(recognition) and writing was significantly higher than that of non-Filipino-Chinese students. This study may provide a reference for teachers and researchers in Chinese teaching practice.漢字教學序列位置效果初始效應菲律賓華語學習者Chinese Character teachingSerial position effectPrimary effectPhilippines learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL)字本位教材認讀與書寫成效研究The Effect of Character-Based Teaching Materials on Chinese Characters’ Recognition and Writing