張茂桂Chang, Mau-Kuei林禧彤Lam, Hei-Tong2022-06-082021-02-242022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8317dac38cde719ec6098e63e3146da5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117500在澳門的教育文獻中,較少會談論到澳門中學生對於日常學習和升學的想法,也缺乏學生們對社會的看法。本文選擇以深度訪談的方法,探討學生們是如何看待自己的學習,描述學習動機,以及如何準備升大學的途徑,作為學生的「學習觀」。並進一步探索影響學生的學習觀的一些可能因素,除學校、同儕、家長之外,特別關照學生對於澳門社會的想像與觀察。 在訪談19位澳門中學生後,得出初步以下結論:(一)學生的學習動機源於興趣和「讀書等於好工作」的觀念,但後者觀念薄弱,容易被重要他人的學習氛圍影響,造成學生不同的學習態度。(二)學生的升學策略與升學地點的關係最大,在升學管道的影響下,不同的升學地點會具有不同的升學策略。(三)大部份受訪者認為努力讀書的作用有限,雖然在澳門工作可以得到安逸生活,但如果想要出人頭地,則需要到外地奮鬥。In the literature regarding education in Macau, ideas about daily learning and further education of high school students in Macau are rarely discussed, and there is also a lack of discussion about students' views on society. In order to gain an understanding of the students' perspectives on learning, this study has conducted in-depth interviews of 19 students to explore how do they perceive their own learning, describe their motivation for learning, and prepare for the pathway to further education. The study also explores possible factors that affect students' perspectives on learning, in addition to schools, peers, and parents, with particular attention on the students' imagination and observations of Macau's society. The study concludes with the following findings: (1) Students' learning motivation comes from their holding of the value about "studying is equivalent to a good job", although they are easily affected by the learning environment shaped by significant others, therefore resulting in different learning attitudes among students. (2) Student's strategies towards progression into further education are most related to the place of further education. Impacted by different pathways into further education, there are different strategies depending on their destination places of further education. (3) Industries in Macao are limited to a narrow focus. Most of the interviewees believe that college majors’ matter to a lesser degree than receiving college diplomas for employment prospects. Since getting a college diploma is not difficult and is more important than getting ahead in academic performances, studying hard is not important for students’ future, unless they have chosen to pursue their future in elsewhere.澳門中學生學習觀學習策略升學策略Macaohigh school studentsaspects to learninglearning strategiesstrategies for further studies澳門中學生的學習觀初探Perspectives on learning among Macao high school students: An exploratory study學術論文