張雨霖Chang, Yu-Lin曾薈羽Tseng, Hui-Yu2024-12-172024-01-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/fbb33cb9e6a816dd7f20b198cc324a21/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122385本研究旨在探討及發展中文版創造性自我調節量表之信效度,並進一步分析跨群體測量恆等性。創造性自我調節意指個體在進行個人創造力活動時,個體透過對創意活動計畫所做的行為調整、策略調整、自我的省思以及調節自身行為的過程。研究者首先翻譯Zielińska等人(2022)編製的Creative Self-Regulation (CSR)量表,以臺灣210名成年人及研究學生為預試樣本,透過項目分析及因素分析做為刪題依據並確認正式量表題目,形成「中文版創造性自我調節量表(Chinese Version of the Creative Self-Regulation Scale, C-CSRS)」。正式施測階段招募445名各領域在職成人、126名大學生、194名高中生為參與者進行施測,並將參與者分組實施大五人格測驗、創意自我效能、創造力信念、新編創造思考測驗、自我調整學習、情緒調節量表等效標測量。接著據以進行驗證性因素分析、效標關聯分析,並比較不同性別(男、女性)、不同年齡層(高中生、大學生及就業成人)之測量恆等性。研究結果如下:一、中文版創造性自我調節構面與原研究者所發展的不同,新萃取出三個向度:調整方法與目標、接納與開放態度、正向情緒激勵,並且縮減題數,為22題。二、中文版創造性自我調節量表總量表Cronbach's α內部一致性係數為.829。各向度的Cronbach's α數值介於.680~.808;重測信度總量表相關為.737,分量表除「對困難的預期」、「不確定性接受度」兩者較低分別為.326、.411之外,其餘為.587~.670之高度正相關;驗證性因素分析整體模式適配度除χ2外,其他數值皆通過;整體而言中文版創造性自我調節與開放性人格、嚴謹性人格、創造力成長型信念有中度的正相關;與創意自我效能有高度正相關;與創造性思考中的語文流暢、語文變通、語文精進有低度正相關;與自我調整學習、情緒調節也都有高度正相關。表示本量表的信度與效度良好。 三、跨高中、大學、成人群體的測量恆等性方面,皆維持形貌恆等與尺度恆等,僅截距不恆等;跨性別的測量恆等性方面,則是形貌恆等、尺度恆等與截距恆等皆保持測量的恆等性。 依據研究結果,對後續研究及實務工作提出建議,供予參考。This study aims to investigate and develop the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Creative Self-Regulation Scale (C-CSRS) and further analyze its cross-group measurement invariance. Creative self-regulation refers to the process by which individuals adjust behaviors, strategies, self-reflection, and regulate their own actions during personal creative activities. The researcher translated the Creative Self-Regulation (CSR) scale developed by Zielińska et al. (2022) into Chinese and conducted a preliminary test with 210 Taiwanese adult and postgraduate. Through item analysis and factor analysis as the basis for item deletion and confirmation of the formal scale items, the Chinese version of the Creative Self-RegulationScale (C-CSRS) was developed. In the formal testing phase, 445 working adults from various fields, 126 university students, and 194 high school students were recruited as participants. Participants were grouped and underwent the Big Five Personality Test, Creative Self-Efficacy, Creativity Beliefs, a newly developed Creative Thinking Test, Self-Regulated Learning, and an Emotional Regulation scale as criterion measures. Confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity analysis were conducted, and measurement invariance across different genders (male, female) and age groups (high school, university, and working adults) was compared. The results are as follows:1.The Chinese version of the Creative Self-Regulation Scale revealed three dimensions different from those developed by the original researchers: Adjustment Methods and Goals, Acceptance and Open Attitude, Positive Emotional Motivation. The total number of items was reduced to 22.2.The Cronbach's α internal consistency coefficient for the total scale of the Chinese version was 0.829. The Cronbach's α values for each dimension ranged from 0.680 to 0.808. The test-retest reliability for the total scale was 0.737, and the dimensions showed high positive correlations ranging from 0.587 to 0.670, except for "Expectations of Difficulty" and "Acceptance of Uncertainty," which had lower correlations of 0.326 and 0.411, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis showed good overall model fit, except for the χ2 value. In general, The Chinese version of the Creative Self-Regulation demonstrated a moderate positive correlation with creative personality traits (openness, conscientiousness), creativity growth beliefs; a high positive correlation with creative self-efficacy; a low positive correlation with language fluency, flexibility, and elaboration in creative thinking; and a high positive correlation with self-regulated learning and emotional regulation. These findings indicate that the scale has good reliability and validity.3.In terms of cross-group measurement invariance across high school, university, and adult groups, the scale maintained configural and scalar invariance, with only intercepts being non-invariant. Across genders, measurement invariance maintained configural, scalar, and intercept invariance.Based on the research results, the researcher provides recommendations for reference in subsequent research and practical work.創造性自我調節創意人格特質創意自我效能創造性思考跨群體測量恆等Creative Self-RegulationCreative Personality TraitsCreative Self-EfficacyCreative ThinkingCross-Group Measurement Invariance中文版創造性自我調節量表之信效度與跨群體測量恆等性研究A Study on the Reliability, Validity, and Cross-group Measurement Invariance of the Chinese Version of the Creative Self-Regulation Scale學術論文