田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan Shelley吳玟蓉Wu, Wen-Jung2023-12-082023-01-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b352c7310fa8898aa83969ffcad78d6d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119530本研究旨在探討國小專任輔導教師的工作困境與適應歷程。邀請10位輔導工作年資6到14年的臺北市國小專任輔導教師作為研究對象,藉由半結構式的訪談大綱進行深入訪談,瞭解其工作困境、身心影響、因應策略及調適歷程。採用質性研究方法,並以紮根理論中的開放編碼、主軸編碼、選擇性編碼進行資料分析。本研究結果如下:一、國小專輔教師主要的工作困境為與系統合作的困境。二、國小專任輔導教師發展出的內在因應策略包含個人特質、狀態調整;外在因應策略包含時間管理、社會支持、休息娛樂。三、國小專任輔導教師給予新手專輔的因應策略建議包含工作心態、系統合作、工作策略與自我照顧。四、國小專任輔導教師在碰到工作困境後,會透過內外在因應策略協助自身面對工作壓力,並藉由經驗的累積、自身的反思,從而進行策略以及心境的調適來達成工作適應。最後,依據上述研究結果,進行研究省思,並對於專任輔導教師及未來研究提出建議。The purpose of this study is to explore the work dilemma and adaptation process of elementary school guidance counselors. We invited 10 elementary school guidance counselors in Taipei City with 6 to 14 years of counseling experience as research objects. We conducted in-depth interviews through semi-structured interview outlines to understand their work difficulties, physical and mental impact, coping strategies, and adjustment process. Qualitative research methods were used, and data analysis was carried out with open coding, spindle coding, and selective coding in grounded theory. The results of this study are as follows:The results of this study are as follows: 1. The main work dilemma of senior elementary school guidance counselors is the dilemma of cooperation with the system. 2. The internal coping strategies developed by senior elementary school guidance counselors include personal characteristics and state adjustment; external coping strategies include time management, social support, rest, and recreation. 3. The coping strategy suggestions given by senior elementary school guidance counselors to novice guidance counselors include work mentality, systematic cooperation, work strategies, and self-care. 4. After encountering work difficulties, senior elementary school guidance counselors will help themselves face work pressure through internal and external coping strategies, using a rich work database and self-reflection, carrying out strategic plans, or adjusting mood to achieve work adaptation.Finally, research reflections are revealed based on the results above. Suggestions would be put forward to improve the situation of future guidance counselors.國小專任輔導教師工作困境因應策略適應歷程紮根研究elementary school guidance counselorwork difficultiescoping strategiesadaptation processgrounded research國小專任輔導教師的工作困境與適應歷程The Work Dilemma and Adaptation Process of Elementary School Guidance Counselorsetd