蕭中強Hsiao, Chung-Chiang鄭姵萱Cheng, Pei-Hsuan2023-12-082027-05-132023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/87af05e40061127e9c71746a58ee8f1a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121926以「滄海遺珠」來比喻這散落在日本的唐宋風雅之事,茶道是被華人遺漏在大海的珍珠,卻在日本成為國寶級的文化遺產,是許多日本人所追求很重要的解脫或解決方案,在台灣並沒有很好的發展,但華人社會也有廣大身心寧靜的心理需求存在。將其正本清源在大中華商圈再度發揚光大為使命,在宗萱茶道學苑做出一片藍海市場策略之後的志業。千里之行,始於足下。宗萱茶道學苑聚焦在「天地人」三足鼎立,以此三者點線面向外擴展,為目標客戶解決「痛」及追求「美」,對有痛點的剛性需求與未滿足需求兩大頗具市場規模的消費客群而言,可以同時滿足。提供對內心尋得「美靜清」的圓滿,幫助淺移默化而求得「敬境淨」的純粹自然,為宗萱茶道學苑欲傳遞給客戶可以感知的獨特價值。以心傳心將「和敬清寂」茶道的四項中心思想傳遞,經過時間沈澱「由形入心」提升到意識層級,進而變成生活必備的精神糧食。獨樹一格的內外兼修課程,在可預見的未來,市場找不到可以替代的整體解決方案。 本營運計劃書主要以自媒體行銷為媒介與工具,傳播的內容對應到宗萱茶道學苑的市場定位,身心靈療癒及身形優美,以凸顯核心價值,將大幅度地提升宗萱茶道學苑的市場能見度,增加學員人數以及獲利營收。建置O2O線上線下整合的雲端授課與電子商務模式,開發網路行銷通路,透過整合行銷計畫瞄準專業目標族群,在紅海市場的削價競爭之中,透過差異化行銷及創新能力,發現並朝向嶄新的藍海市場,發心立願踏著穩健的步伐,朝向茶道界清流的目標努力邁進。 藉由對茶道商業模式的完整整理,使得有志在茶道文化深耕的企業主或者投資人,看到茶道的豐富感、縱深度與未來性。宗萱茶道學苑課程產品以感知價值定價,在堅持核心價值與真誠服務下,財務預估毛利率三年平均數為97.79%,本期損益三年平均數為1,531,019元。由於目前宗萱茶道學苑是採獨資方式經營,資本主投資600萬元及銀行企業貸款500萬元。倘若日後為了擴大經營規模而招募股東,其股東盈餘分配則依據股東出資額比率所佔資本額比率進行分配。將臺師大所學重新賦予茶道新生命,可以嬴利及永續,成為「國際時尚」的新焦點。"茶"字為草木之中有一人,可知茶是人與大自然的天人合一及和諧統一,要打出一服抹茶,釜、水、火這三件寶缺一不可。"釜是茶之父,水是茶之母,火是茶之命"。品茶和兵法的感悟透視洞察相通,兵法注重天時、地利和人和,而品茶同樣講究此點。有了適當的天氣、相宜的環境以及志趣相投的客人,才能夠真正地品茗出茶中蘊含「茶逢知己喫」的境界。同一種抹茶,每次打出的味道也都不盡相同,茶有富於變化的特性,這正與「孫子兵法」之中所講求的"故兵無常勢,水無常形。能因敵變化取勝者,謂之神"相似。茶道精神四諦:和敬清寂,正與兵法的最高境界:靜幽正治、全勝雙贏有異曲同工之妙。“Pearl dropped in the ocean” is an analogy to the spreading of the elegant and refine cultures of the Tang and Song dynasties in Japan. Tea ceremony is a pearl being dropped in the ocean by the Chinese people but becomes the national cultural legacy in Japan. It is an important plan for many Japanese people seeking for relief or solution whereas it’s been ignored in Taiwan. While there is a great demand for a mental tranquility in the Chinese society, Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School is pledging to conduct a reform from the bottom to make it shine again after it has created a blue ocean market strategy.“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School is focusing on the “Heaven, Earth, and People” which stand like the three legs of a tripod, and from there using the point, line, and surface as the structure to expand the market. It provides solutions to the target customers for their “pain” and for their pursuit of “beauty”. For consumers with the pain having the requisite requirements and customers whose needs are not satisfied; they represent two types of markets with quite sizable scope. It simultaneously satisfies their inner soul searching for “beauty, tranquility, and clarity”, helping them gain the pure nature status of “reverence, situation, purity” with subtle influence. It’s the perceived unique value that Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony wishes to pass on to the customers. The four central concepts: harmony, respect, clarity, tranquility have been transmitted, from mind to mind, with rigorous attitude. It’s upgraded to the conscious level after a period of “from the shape to the heart” process, and further becomes the requisite spiritual food for daily lives. This unique training course for both inside and outside overall solution cannot be replaced in the foreseeable future.The operation plan is mainly utilizing the self-media marketing as the medium and tool. The transmission contents correspond with Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School’s marketing position, and highlight its core values in the healing of body and mind, in showing the beautiful body shape. The marketing visibility of Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School, the numbers of the trainees, and the business profits should be increased. To establish 020 online and offline to consolidate training and E-Commerce business model to explore the E-Marketing channel, and through the consolidated marketing plan to target the professional groups, Zhong Xuan can find the blue ocean market from the red ocean market of price cutting with its differentiation and innovation capabilities. It pledges to move toward the distinct clear stream target in the tea ceremony field with steady pace.By virtue of its complete arrangements for the tea ceremony’s business model, the entrepreneurs or the investors who are aspiring in the cultivation of tea ceremony culture see its richness, depth, and future. The pricing for the courses offered by Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School is based on the perceived values. While insisting in the core value and the innovation, its financial forecast for three-year average gross profits is 97.79% with a three-year average of NT$1,531,019 from the incomestatements of this term. Currently Zhong Xuan Tea Ceremony School is a sole proprietorship company. The capital investment is NT$6 millions with an additional corporate bank loan of NT$5 millions. Should there is a need to recruit the shareholders to expand its business in the future, the surplus will be distributed on a pro rata basis in accordance with the share of the whole investment amounts.From the Chinese “Tea” – a person underneath the grass and tree, we understand that tea is the product having people in harmony with the nature. To make a Matcha, kettle, water, and fire, the three elements are requisite. “Kettle is the father of tea; water is the mother of tea; fire is the life of tea”. Tea tasting shares a perceived feeling with the art of war. Art of war emphasizes the right time, right place, and the right humane resources while tea also stresses them in that the proper weather, suitable environment, and customers with the same interest are essential to reach the state of “drinking good tea with friends who have the same taste for the tea enjoys the life”. Even using the same Matcha could turn into a different flavor every time. Tea is embodied with versatile characters, which are similar with the “impermanence of the soldiers and the impermanence of the water” in Sun Tzu’s Art of War. The tactics for a war change when the situations change, the war shall be won. The four spirits of tea: harmony, respect, clear, and solitude share the same effects as the ultimate states in the art of war: be calm and fair to the routine managements, a win-win full victory shall arrive.茶道日本茶道日本文化身心靈療癒美學Tea CeremonyJapanese Tea CeremonyJapanese CultureBodyHeartand SpiritHealingAesthetics宗萱茶道學苑商業計劃書Business Plan of Sousen Tea Schooletd