陳世煌黃文俊陳順其王穎2014-10-272014-10-272006-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6974本文記載台灣產長腳袋蛛料(Family Miturgidae)紅螯蛛屬(Genus Cheiracanthium)蜘蛛二新種及一新紀錄種,其中台灣紅螯蛛(C. taiwanicum)和鐮形紅螯蛛(C. fulcatum)為新種,長腿紅螯蛛(C. eutittha)為台灣首次描述之新紀錄種。文中並根據南投九九峰地區和台灣其他地區的館藏標本進行詳細描述或重新描述並繪圖。這三種紅螯蛛均廣泛分布於台灣各地海拔1200公尺以下山區。Three species of the genus Cheiracanthium were newly added to the spider fauna of Taiwan. These include Cheiracanthium eutittha Bosenberg et Strand, 1906, and two new species, C. taiwanicum sp. nov. and C. fulcatum sp. nov. Each species is described or re-described and illustrated based on materials from the Chiuchiufeng area, Central Taiwan and other museum materials preserved in the Arachnological collection of the Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University from various localities of Taiwan. These three species are all widely distributed in the low mountain areas at the elevation below 1200 m in Taiwan.蜘蛛目長腳袋蛛科紅螯蛛屬新種新紀錄種臺灣AraneaeMiturgidaeCheiracanthiumNew speciesNew recordTaiwanTwo New Species and One Newly Recorded Species of the Genus Cheiracanthium (Araneae: Miturgidae) from Taiwan臺灣產紅螯蛛屬蜘蛛二新種及一新紀錄種(蜘蛛目:長腳袋蛛科)