盧台華林燕玲Tai-Hwa Emily LuYen-Ling Lin2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13794本研究旨在探討國中藝術才能美術班學生入學鑑定各項評量結果,以做為未來分散式美術才能資賦優異方案或集中式美術班鑑定之參考。研究對象為新北市2008年及2009年度參與美術班鑑定之774名學生,以鑑定時之素描、水彩、美術創意表現、審美知能等得分進行相關分析判,並以其中校之54名美術班學生在2010年入校後之美術術科成績進行追蹤分析。並根據上述研究發現提出相關建議。The purpose of the study was to explore the identification process and effects of students who participated in the junior high level art talented student identification process during the year of 2008 to 2009 at New Taipei City to find out the way for future1dentIfIcauon Subjects were 774students wuh375from 2008and 399 from 2009 who were received all identification process. Data were collected through the performances of sketch painting, color painting, art creativity performance, and Esthetic knowledge test, and anlyzed by ANOVA, t test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. In addition, in-school art achievement performances of 2010 from 54 students (27 of 2008 and 27 of 2009) placed at art talented classes in the same school were also collected for exploring the identification effects between these two years Based on the above findings , the authors made some suggestions for future implementation美術才能資優國中美術資優學生鑑定評量art talentjunior high art-talented studentsm indentificationassessment如何發掘美術才能優異學生?How to Discover Art Talented Students? -From the Recent Year Assessment Results of Identifying Students at New Taipei City to Explorethe Way for Junior High Level Art Talented Programs