許殷宏Hsu, Yin-Hung胡瑜秦Hu, Yu-Chin2020-10-192025-08-192020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060500027E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110243本研究旨在瞭解偏遠國小初任教師適應學校歷程,包含任教動機、適應問題、因應策略及影響適應的社會脈絡。最後,根據研究結果,對教育政策與實務及後續相關研究提出建議,以供相關單位、偏遠國小初任教師及後續研究作為參考,並重視偏遠國小初任教師相關輔導及支援措施。本研究採用深度訪談,呈現出兩位偏遠國小初任教師的故事。兩位偏遠國小初任教師透過自身立場闡述任教所經歷的事件,讓教師回想其適應歷程及其因應策略,藉此呈現兩位偏遠國小初任教師在適應學校歷程中的真實樣貌。而訪談中更包含了兩位教師的心境轉變及他們對於身為偏遠國小初任教師的未來展望。 本研究將兩位偏遠國小初任教師的資料,針對適應歷程、適應問題及因應策略等面向將資料分析、整理後,得到以下結論:(ㄧ)偏遠國小初任教師適應學校歷程於不同層面的發展有所差異,且與教師長期生涯發展趨勢近似。(二)偏遠國小初任教師主要適應問題源自過度繁雜的行政工作。(三)偏遠國小初任教師因應策略影響適應歷程。(四)偏遠國小初任教師適應歷程存在多重社會脈絡的限制,同時也展現個體自主性。This study sought to understand rural elementary school beginning teachers’ experiences of adapting into their job, including their motivation to be a teacher, adjustment process, coping strategies and the social contexts that affects these matters. Based on the result, it then gave suggestions to relevant studies and on the planning and implementation of education policies, which were provided as reference for stakeholders, researchers, and rural elementary beginning teachers. In so doing, the author hoped to gather further assistance and support for these teachers. This study interviewed two rural elementary school beginning teachers, who not only shared their own experiences, but also their adjustment process and coping strategies to give a truthful account of teaching at rural elementary schools. In addition, the teachers shared how their mindset had changed through time and expressed their personal aspiration. This study reached the following conclusions by analyzing and organizing the information, including the adjustment process, coping strategies and difficulty encountered, provided by the two teachers: 1. the adjustment processes of different aspects as a rural elementary school beginning teacher would vary and it follows the same trend as the development of teacher’s career; 2. excessive and complicated administration work was the main problem for rural elementary school beginning teachers when it came to adjustments to such environment; 3. coping strategies had an impact on rural elementary school beginning teachers’ adjustment process; 4. there are multiple social restrictions which rural elementary school beginning teachers needed to face, that reflected constraints in multiple social contexts and autonomy.偏遠國小初任教師因應策略rural elementary schoolbeginning teacherscoping strategies載浮載沉於行政海──偏遠國小初任教師適應學校歷程之探究Study on Rural Elementary School Beginning Teachers’ Adjustment Process