陳明溥羅勻佐2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0895080047%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92772本研究之目的為探討線上集合反思策略於大學生學習反思判斷之有效性,以及個別差異因素與學習成效間之關係。本研究係採兩種不同文字對談模式設計線上集合反思學習環境;對照組採無同儕參與之線上導引式自我反思學習環境;並以「牛奶與健康」做為反思判斷的爭議課題案例。研究對象為大學營養相關科系三年級學生,有效樣本121人。研究設計採隨機分組設計(randomized-groups design)及內容分析法。自變項包含:線上反思策略(集合反思與導引式自我反思)及個別差異因素(先備知識、批判思考意向與從眾效應傾向);依變項為反思判斷學習成效(反思判斷表現與自覺學習成效)、批判思考意向和從眾效應傾向之改變情形。 研究結果顯示:(1)線上反思策略能有效地提升大學高年級生的反思判斷表現;其中,使用線上集合反思策略的學習者在自覺學習成效上顯著提升;(2)學習者反思判斷表現與先備知識程度的高低呈正相關;(3)學習策略介入前學習者之批判思考意向程度能正面預測學習成效,而構面中的「系統分析能力」對於學習者「反思判斷表現」以及「反思判斷自覺學習成效」具有顯著的正面解釋力,「智識好奇心」對於「反思判斷表現」則呈現負面的解釋力;(4)「線上集合反思策略」有助緩和學習者之「從眾效應傾向」;(5)學習者意見回饋顯示「線上集合反思策略」有助多面向思考、訊息資料解讀、資料搜尋、學習動機,亦有助啟發將反思判斷的概念應用到日常生活中。The purpose of this study was to examine whether the online collective reflection strategy would present a better outcome on the enhancement of college students’ reflective judgment, as well as to examine whether the individual differences would influence the learning outcomes (reflective judgment performance and self-perceived learning). The mixed methods were employed in this study, which includes randomized-groups design experiment and content analysis. Two types of collective reflection learning tools which were simulated the Facebook and Skype platforms as the experimental groups, while guided self-reflection as the control group. “Milk and Health” was selected as the controversial issue for reflective judgment learning. One hundred and twenty-one nutrition-majored college juniors participated in this study. The results showed that: (1) all the employed online reflection strategies could enhance the reflective judgment performance of the nutrition-majored college juniors, and learners participated in the collective reflection groups presented better outcomes of their perceived learning; (2) learners’ with higher level of prior knowledge presented higher scores on reflective judgement performance; (3) learners’ reflective judgement performance was associated with the level of individual’s critical thinking tendency. Specifically, the ability of systemetic approaches significantly helped explain the learners’ reflective judgement performance and reflection self-learning. However, knowledge curiosity showed a negative correlation to reflective judgement performance; (4) the online collective reflective judgment strategy helped to modify conformity tendency, whereas the learners using Facebook-like platform decreased the general conformity tendency; (5) feedbacks from the participants indicated that online collective reflective judgement strategy is helpful for multifaceted thinking, interpreting information and data, research, learning motivation, providing various learning methods, and applying the concept of reflective judgement to daily life.反思判斷集合反思先備知識批判思考意向從眾效應傾向reflective judgmentcollective reflectionprior knowledgecritical thinking tendencyconformity tendency線上集合反思策略對於大學生反思判斷之影響Effects of Online Collective Reflection Strategy on College Students’ Reflective Judgment