李慕如2014-10-272014-10-271997-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24931北宋文人受老莊玄學影響最深;又與道教活動關係最大者,莫過於東坡(一0三七 - 一一0一)。 其百廿三卷「東坡全集」中詩、文、詞、賦之作,自來為人多所論述。而東坡之思想兼蓄儒、道、佛。本文專就東坡之作,究其蘊含若干道家道教思想,又發揮若干道家道教題材而言。本文都為六章,首為引論,言東坡與道家道教淵源,分由時空以言。次述東坡入道前后所述仙道之情。參由東坡得自道家道教化入其詩文之哲理而言。肆由養生、藥食以述東坡所言仙道之方術。伍由仙境、仙人、升仙以述東坡所述仙境。末為結論--李白、東坡比並而言二人崇仙道之異同,則東坡所言道家道教思想,或可窺得一二焉。In North Sung Dynasty, literary men influenced deeply by mysterious thoughts of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. Among them, Su Tung-Po had the most intimaterelationship with Taoist activities (1037-1101). More than one hundred volumes, "The Complete Work of Su Tung-Po" has always discussed about his poems, proses, verses and songs. Thoughts of Tung-Po include: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. This paper tries to make a research on the using of Taoist thoughts in Tung-Po's works: This paper can can be divided into six capters:Firstly, Introduction; from view point of time and space, to relate relationships between Tung-Po and Taoism, Tao School. Secondly, to narrate ideas about immortals and Taoists before and after his recepting the Taoist thought. Thirdly, to discuss philosophical ideas of Tung-Po origioned from Taoism and Tao School. Fourthly, to explore immortal occultism of Tung-Po by means of the formula of healthy living, eating herbs. Fifthly, to define Tung-Po's immortal states by Taoist definitions of immortals, immortal states and ways to attain them. Sixthly, to compare Lee Pai and Tung-Po for sake of both of them pursued Taoist cultivations but there were also differences between them. Therefor, we may get some ideas about Tung-Po's Taoist thoughts.蘇東坡道家道教Su Tung-PoTaoismTao school東坡詩文中道家道教思想之玄蘊