張德鑫Zhang Dexin2014-10-272014-10-272005-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16910韓國漢語教材《老乞大》和《朴通事》不僅是東方國家中最全面具備外語或第二語言教學特點的漢語教材,還可被視作是世界上已發現的最早的比較正規、完整的華語文教材。本文從漢語史尤其是漢語口語史和漢語言文字學的角度、社會學和文化學的角度、華語文教學特別是世界華語文教材史的角度以及具體第二語言課堂教學的角度,對《老乞大》和《朴通事》進行多方位研析,以期古為今用、洋為中用、溫故知新、推陳出新,對發展今天的華語文教學,特別是推動華語文教材的研究和編寫,做一些基礎工作。LAO-QI-DA and PIAO-TONG-SHI were among the earliest textbooks for teaching Chinese as foreign or second language. They were compiled at the end of the Yuan Dynasty (around 1346A.D.) for Koreans to learn Mandarin Chinese. The language and culture of ancient China was recorded in the books. They provide important material for historical research. Compiled over 650 years ago, these two books have contributed to teaching Chinese as foreign or second language including contrastive analysis and teaching methods.外語教學第二語言教學口語教學華語文教材Earliest textbooks for Chinese LearningImportant material for historical research《老乞大》和《朴通事》Lao-Qi-Da and Piao-Tong-Shi: Their Role in the History of Second Language Teaching