何慧敏洪琬琪2019-08-282008-8-242019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694060107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86984中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解幼兒之家庭概念,探究幼兒腦海中的家庭、幼兒判斷家庭成員的規準、家庭帶給幼兒的情感感受及家庭所具備的功能,最後分析幼兒的性別、家庭結構、居住經驗跟生活經驗是否帶給幼兒在家庭概念不同的見解。根據研究結果,提出具體建議,希望能提供家長在教養上及教師在親師互動上之參考,為達到上述研究目的,本研究採取質性研究法之訪談法進行。 本研究為探究不同居住地區的幼兒之家庭概念,因此以台北市(大安、文山區)與彰化縣(芳苑、王功地區)的大班幼兒各二十名為研究對象,並以研究者編制的結構式訪談大綱、相關的人物圖卡及兩題開放性問題進行訪談,以獲得幼兒腦海中的家庭圖像、判斷家庭成員的規準及對家庭的情感感受,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、幼兒腦海中的家庭圖像以主幹家庭及擴展家庭居多。 二、幼兒對不同型態之家庭的認同情形,除了在「單親家庭」的意見 較有差異之外,其餘各題之認同情形並沒有非常極端的差距。 三、形成家庭最主要的考量為「共同居住」、「結婚」、「互相照顧」。 四、家庭具備多重功能,滿足幼兒生理及心理需求。 伍、城鄉幼兒呈現出不同的家庭概念。 最後,依據以上研究發現歸納結論,並提出給予幼兒教育人員、家長及未來研究之建議。bstract This study aims to understand young children’s family concept, investigating criterion by which young children identify family members and exploring what emotional feelings family brings to young children and functions family possesses. At last, this study examines whether sex, family structure, living experience and living area are attributed to formation of young children’s family concept. Based on the result of this study, concrete suggestions are made in hope of providing parents references to upbringing and teachers to parent-teacher interaction. To answer the research questions, qualitative research methods are adopted. To investigate family concept of young children living in different areas, this study includes 40 kindergarten children (20 from Taipei City and 20 from Changhua County) as subjects into a semi-structured interview. By use of pictures, this interview aims to understand young children’s family image and criterion by which young children identify family members and emotional feelings towards family. The main findings are: a. Family structure and living experience do influence young children’s family concept. b. City children and country children possess different family images; specifically, children in Chunghua County mainly show stem family and extended family images while children in Taipei City averagely show nuclear family and stem family images. c. City and country children have roughly the same identification with types of family except for single parent family. No significant difference on identification with other types of family is observed. d. The main concerns with the formation of family are co-inhabitancy, marriage and mutual attention. e. Family possesses multi functions to satisfy young children’s physical and mental needs. Finally, based on the findings of this study, further discussions and suggestions will be made.幼兒家庭概念家庭圖像young childrenfamily conceptfamily image幼兒家庭概念之探究