周賢彬Chou, Shyan-Bin何季璇Ho, Chi-Shiuan2024-12-172024-01-022024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8241196acd25e246d17e92ebf31b1ee3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123461插畫在圖畫書裡不單只是將文字圖像化,亦扮演著傳遞資訊的重要角色。越來越多 教育工作者運用繪本作為教學媒介傳遞生態議題,兒童判斷力不夠尚未能分辨出合適的 圖畫書內容,在書本的選讀上大多是透過父母與教師引導。因此本研究以成年人作為研 究對象,希望能了解此族群對圖畫書插畫風格的偏好,增加生態圖畫書被選讀的機會。本研究透過文獻分析,彙整出五種圖畫書插畫風格組成焦點小組進行研究,並以問 卷調查法分析成年人對圖畫書插畫風格的偏好分佈與因素以及地區和性別是否存在差 異。研究結果顯示如下:1.成年人對於圖畫書插畫風格喜好之趨勢結果為:(1)最喜歡「溫馨西畫」的插畫 風格。(2)最不喜歡「客觀寫實」和「怪趣漫畫」的插畫風格。2.成年女性與成年男性對於圖畫書插畫風格偏好並無顯著的差異。3.居住六都成年人與非六都成年人對圖畫書插畫風格喜好有顯著的差異性。4.成年人對於圖畫書插畫風格偏好的因素結果為:(1)最喜歡的因素為「氣氛」,最不喜歡的因素為「色彩搭配」。(2)男性最喜歡的因素為「構圖」;女性最喜歡的因素為 「色彩搭配」。男性最不喜歡的因素則為「構圖」、「色彩搭配」;女性最不喜歡的因素則 為「色彩搭配」。(3)六都最喜歡的因素為「構圖」、「色彩搭配」;非六都最喜歡的因素 為「氣氛」。六都最不喜歡的因素為「色彩搭配」;非六都最不喜歡的因素為「色彩搭配」。從資料結果中可知成年人對於插畫風格的偏好為「溫馨西畫」,具有故事情感的可 愛角色與著色層次豐富的畫面最受成年人喜歡。最不喜歡的插畫風格為「客觀寫實」與 「怪趣漫畫」。除了要避免太過於寫實性的圖像描繪,還要注意角色造型不要因為想創 作出有趣幽默的怪趣風格,描繪出奇怪的造型反而會弄巧成拙產生出負面效果。構圖、 氣氛、色彩搭配為成年人對於圖畫書插畫風格偏好因素的前三項。Besides visualizing the texts, illustration in picture books also plays an important role of conveying information. As selection of picture books is mostly through adults, such as parents or teachers instead of children themselves, this study aims to find the adults’ preferences on illustration, hoping by knowing the styles adults prefer, we can get to know how to increase the likelihood of picture book selected by adults, particularly for picture books with ecological content.Through literature review, this study has categorized illustrations into 5 styles. Furthermore, the study has applied questionnaire survey to analyze preference distribution and discussed if adults’ preferences would be influenced by gender, ages, residence and so on.The research shows the following:1. For preference type, the research shows the most favored illustration type is “heartwarming style” whereas the least favored type is “realistic sketching” and “quirky” style.2. There is no significant difference on illustration preference between grown-up male and grown-up female.3. Residential differences have resulted in significant differences on grown-up’s preference on illustration style.Results of preference on citizens of major 6 cities and non-major cities are shown as below:(a) Both citizens of major cities and non-major cities are having same preference on illustration style. The most favored factor is “atmosphere” whereas the least favored factor is “color matching.”(b) When it comes to gender analysis, the results are identical for citizens from major cities and non-major cities. For men, the most favored factor is “composition” and least favored are “composition” and “color matching”. For women, however, the most favored and the least favored factor is both “color matching.”(c) For residential difference, the most favored factor for 6 major cities’ residences is “composition” and “color matching” whereas the least favored factor is “color matching”. For non-major cities’ residences, the most favored factor is “atmosphere” whereas the least favored factor is “color matching.”From above analysis we can conclude that in an attempt to attract more gowns-ups, illustrators need to avoid realistic illustrations in the picture book. In addition, regarding the characters setting, instead of creating quirky characters who may come with weird outlooks, illustrators are recommended to create more adorable characters so as to attract the grown-up. Lastly, illustrators need to pay attention to composition, atmosphere setting and color matching as those are key factors to illustration preference.兒童圖畫書風格插畫繪本性別picture bookstyleillustrationchildren's picture bookgender成年人對圖畫書插畫風格偏好趨勢-以獲選2007至2022《好書大家讀》兒童圖畫書為例The trend of preferred illustration styles for adults using award-winning children's picture books in Taiwan from 2007 to 2021學術論文