陳慧娟Chen, Huey-Jiuan黃子芸Huang, Tzu-Yun2024-12-172025-02-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3c1302d20a309fc90eb1466cbc764b6d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122493本研究旨在探究國中生挑戰型—阻礙型壓力、學習投入及學業情緒間的相關情況。本研究以臺灣地區之國民中學學生為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行資料蒐集,有效樣本共計427份。其中七年級159人、八年級119人、九年級149人;男性200人、女性227人。研究工具包括「挑戰—阻礙壓力源量表」、「學習投入—不熱衷量表」及「學業情緒量表」。所得的資料以描述性統計、皮爾森(Pearson)積差相關以及迴歸分析進行統計考驗。主要研究結果顯示國中生知覺到的挑戰型壓力源與學習投入及正向學業情緒有顯著負相關、與學習不熱衷及負向學業情緒有顯著正相關;而阻礙型壓力源與負向學業情緒有顯著正相關,與學習投入、學習不熱衷及正向學業情緒則無顯著相關。另一方面,國中生感知到的正向學業情緒與學習投入有顯著正相關,與學習不熱衷有顯著負相關;而負向學業情緒與學習投入有顯著負相關,與學習不熱衷有顯著正相關。調節效果部分,在控制性別與年級對學習投入的影響後,正向學業情緒在阻礙型壓力源與學習投入之間及挑戰型壓力源與學習不熱衷之間具負向調節效果,以及在阻礙型壓力源與學習不熱衷之間具正向調節效果;但在挑戰型壓力源與學習投入間不具調節效果。負向學業情緒在阻礙型壓力源與學習不熱衷間具正向調節效果;但在挑戰型壓力源與學習投入間、阻礙型壓力源與學習投入間,以及挑戰型壓力源與學習不熱衷間不具調節效果。根據上述研究結果,本研究針對學校教育實務層面與未來研究提出相關具體建議。The purpose of this study was to explored the relationship between challenge and hindrance stressors, academic emotions and learning engagement among junior high school students. The participants of this study were junior high school students in Taiwan, and data collection was conducted through questionnaires, with a total of 427 valid samples. The distribution included 159 seventh graders, 119 eighth graders, and 149 ninth graders, with 200 males and 227 females. The research tools included the “Challenge-Hindrance Stressors Scale,” “Engagement-Disaffection Scale,” and “Academic Emotion Scale.” The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis.The main research findings showed that challenge stressors perceived by junior high school students revealed a significantly negatively correlation with learning engagement and positive academic emotions, and a significantly positively correlation with learning disaffection and negative academic emotions. Hindrance stressors were significantly positively correlated with negative academic emotions, but showed no significant correlation with learning engagement, learning disaffection, and positive academic emotions. On the other hand, positive academic emotions perceived by junior high school students were significantly positively correlated with learning engagement and significantly negatively correlated with learning disaffection. Negative academic emotions were significantly negatively correlated with learning engagement and significantly positively correlated with learning disaffection. Regarding the moderating effects, after controlling for the effects of gender and grade on learning engagement, positive academic emotions had a negative moderating effect between hindering stressors and learning engagement, as well as between challenging stressors and disengagement. They also had a positive moderating effect between hindering stressors and disengagement. However, there was no moderating effect between challenging stressors and learning engagement. Negative academic emotions had a positive moderating effect between hindering stressors and disengagement. However, there was no moderating effect between challenging stressors and learning engagement, between hindering stressors and learning engagement, and between challenging stressors and disengagement.Based on these research findings, this study offers specific recommendations for practical school education and future research.阻礙型壓力源挑戰型壓力源國中生學習投入學業情緒hindrance stressorschallenge stressorsjunior high school studentslearning engagementacademic emotions國中生挑戰型—阻礙型壓力源、學業情緒與學習投入之關聯研究The Relationship between Challenge and Hindrance Stressors, Academic Emotion and Learning Engagement of Junior High SchoolStudents學術論文