曾淑惠周士琦Shu-Hui TsengShih-Chi Chou2014-10-272014-10-272014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/3105高職校務評鑑是提昇高職教育品質、促進高職教育發展的重要方式之一,然而許多評鑑結果或被束諸高閣,或未能與教育決策建立牢固的制度性連結,以致失去評鑑之意義。本文旨在探究學者對促進高職校務評鑑使用的途徑,首先以評鑑使用概念的發展、評鑑使用與評鑑效用的區辨、及評鑑使用的類型說明對評鑑使用之倡議;其次,從評鑑實施類別、決策或政策制定及利益關條人參與等三項,說明影響評鑑使用之因素,再者,剖析當前高職校務評鑑的用途與困境,並提出促進評鑑使用必要途徑的十二項其體建議,期使能落實高職校務評鑑之正確使用。Vocational school evaluation is one of the methods to improve the quality of vocational school education and the development of it. However, many results of evaluations are either nonuse or unable to be firmly connected to the educational policy decision making; therefore, lose the meanjng of vocational school evaluation. This essay is aimed to explore a scholar's pathways to promote the evaluation use of vocational school evaluation. It first illustrates the promotion of evaluation use by depicting the development of concepts of evaluation use, the differentiation of evaluation use and evaluation utilization, and the types of evaluation use. Second, it illustrates the factors that influence the use of evaluation from three aspects: evaluation implementation, decision or policy setting, stakeholder involvement. Third, it analyzes recent uses and dilemmas of vocational school evaluation in order,) to provide twelves concrete suggestions about pathways to promote the evaluation use of vocational school evaluation, which is expected to be put into practice in a correct way.評鑑使用評鑑效用高職校務評鑑evaluation useevaluation utilizationvocational school evaluation促進高職校務評鑑使用的途徑Pathways to Promoting the Use of Vocational School Evaluation